Recovery and Revelation

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Meerab seemed to be recovering from the panic attack as she reached her Karachi residence, her house, the house that had been hers since childhood until the Khans snatched it away from her. Meerab was still sore about the night she came here with Murtasim before marriage and begged her parents to open up but they didn't, yes! they were pressurized by Maa begum and Anwer Khan but she was their daughter, how could they have not let her in? Meerab had always tried to contemplate. That moment left a lasting scare on her life and her memories. She could never think about her childhood house now without thinking about that one moment.

That moment also became the reason of her abandonment issues and her ultimate agreement to marry Murtasim. But, tonight she had way more than that moment to grieve about. She now felt almost numb as she climbed out of the car and into her house, she didn't speak a single word throughout their car ride neither was she saying anything now. She quietly ascended the stairs and disappeared in her room as Waqas and Anila watched her ghost-like existence from the entrance door.


The day Waqas didn't open the door for Meerab wasn't just painful for Meerab but it had shattered Waqas's heart too. When Meerab was entrusted to him and Anila 25 years ago he never thought that the day she would be claimed back by the 'Khans' will be this agonizing. He had imagined and planned having a sit down with Meerab one day and telling her the truth, making her understand and giving her time to absorb the reality of her existence. But, none of that could be done as the 'Khans ' rushed in with the hasty proposal of Murtasim and Meerab was burdened with the truth in the most ruthless way. But, he was not blameless, Waqas thought. If only I had opened the door that night, if only I hadn't scrummed to the pressure of that Meerab wouldn't be in this state today, Waqas was silently cursing himself.

But now, Waqas has newfound determination as he watched his daughters plight. Now he is committed to protect her and make amends, come whatever may!


Murtasim sat at the side of the river and contemplated how his life and his marriage had come to this state. The jarring pain in heart, he felt before was now a dull throb. He sat their as seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours and he felt the first rays of dawn on his face. 'A new day, but nothing has changed in his life' he thought to himself as he stood up and turned towards his car and then noticed Bukhtu standing their in waiting. A sad smile came to his face, 'so this how loyalty looks like' he thought.

"Chaliye Bukhtu, darya ki lahron ki pas humary dard ki dawa nahi hai." (Let's go Bukhtu, the waves of the river don't have the remedy for my pain) said Murtasim as he signaled him to get into the car.


Maa begum was panicking all around theHaveli as the time to send "nashta" (A tradition-the first breakfast for the married couple) approaches and there was no sign of either Meerab or Murtasim. She was already super mad at both of them at ghosting Marium's Rukhsati. 'I mean I know they are married and in love but, what kind of irresponsible behavior was that?' she was thinking and getting aggitated. 

Just as she was about to go to Murtasim's room to make him come out she saw him entering from the outer door and was surprised.

"Murtasim? Where the hell were you last night at your sister's Rukhsati and where are you coming from at this hour?" she inquired angrily.

Murtasim was tired and had no energy for drama so he replied, "I had a fight with Meerab, didn't want my anger to spoil the event so I left...Please don't ask more questions, I am tired"

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