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The Khan's Haveli was bursting with energy. Everyone was busy carrying out their designated tasks. Marium and Naurez are coming home after one and a half years and all the credit should be given to Meerab who tirelessly worked to re-establish the severed bonds between the family for who, more than Meerab, could understand the agony of a broken family. As she worked on her relationship with her two fathers and mother, she worked on Mariam's and her mother's too. 

They were also celebrating the winning of the case against Malick Zubair as he finally got his due in the court of law. Murtasim and Meerab along with Waqas had worked tirelessly on this case for 1.5 years and it bore fruit at last as Malick Zubair was sentenced to life imprisonment by the high court of Sindh.

The lavish Brunch arrangements are done to perfection under Meerab's critical eye. She checked the lengthy menu one more time and after being satisfied with the results she ordered the maids to set the large dining table as she scanned the wall clock and saw it was already 10:30 am.

"Did you see Khan coming down?" Meerab asked one of the maids

"No Khanum, I haven't"

'Khanum' Meerab was categorically referred to as Khanum for the past year when Maa Begum retired entirely from the Khanum duties and made Meerab her official successor. Meerab had been skillfully juggling between being the 'lady of the house' and a law student for a year now. However, Maa begum was kind enough to work as a proxy for her when she occasionally needed to study for her exams.

"Damnit! Murtasim...where are you?" Meerab muttered to herself as she irritatedly went towards their room. Her phone rang as she entered the living room of her portion. Oh it's Marium.

"Hello! Marium, we are all eagerly waiting for you...How far are you guys.?" Meerab asked after Marium's hello.

"We are almost here it'll only take 10 minutes....Meerab I am so emotional right now. Coming back to my own childhood house after so long feels weird."

"Trust me I can understand. But, there are no strangers here, only family so don't feel weird....Maa begum can't even sit in one place since morning. Come soon Marium." her eyes slightly watered as she said it and she knew Marium's did too because the next she spoke her voice sounded cracked,

"I am coming...can't wait" 

Marium hang up and Meerab was now more irritated than before on Murtasim as it was almost time for the guests to arrive and he hadn't come out. Meerab took angry strides towards her room and as she entered she started saying,

''Murtasi....." the sight that welcomed her melted her anger away. Murtasim was on the bed giving a 9 month old Meesam a change of clothes with some difficulty but there was nothing Murtasim Khan can not figure out.

A warm and affectionate smile broke on Meerab's face and her eyes shone with love and tears of joy.

"Well, well....Meesam has a really competent nany" She said smiling as Murtasim gave her a helpless grin and she came closer to inspect his work "Good work Khan Sahab" She said appreciatively.

Murtasim rolled his eyes and then laughed.

"I woke up at her sound of neh and realized she needs a diaper change and...." He said while shrugging

"Why didn't you call me?" Meerab asked

"I knew you would be busy, and I hate feeling incompetent. I mean what kind of man I am if I can't change my own daughter's diaper." Murtasim said dramatically and Meerab laughed.

Meerab bent down and scooped up Meesam, kissed both her cheeks and then settled her in her stroller as she happily sucked on her thumb.

Murtasim had turned to the wardrobe to take his clothes out so that he can get ready soon. 

"Wear black...It suites you, Khan sahab" Meerab said

Murtasim turned a little towards her and said,

"Your wish is my command and......Don't call me Khan Sahab"


"Because, it turns me on.." Murtasim said with a devilish smirk and Meerab rolled her eyes.

"You're always turned on" She brushed off his comment at the same time hiding the skipping of a heartbeat she just experienced.

"Arrghhh...You're a kill sport." Murtasim said with fake annoyance and he turned back to his closet.

A moment passed and then Meerab came close to Murtasim, very close. She put one hand on his shoulder and pushed herself up to kiss the base of his cheek lightly which make Murtasim smile with contentment.

"What was that for?'' He asked

"YOu are my husband, I like kissing you." was Meerab's off-handed remark as she started to move away but was caught by Murtasim's very firm hand and in a flash of movement he twirled her around so that her back was now against the closed door of the closet trapping her between himself and the closet as he took her mouth with his for an intense smooch.

As he moved his head back up he saw surprise in Meerab's eyes but a smile on her face and before she could say anything he spoke,

"You're my wife...and I like doing a great many things with you, 'Frenching' you is just one of them" A flirtatious grin danced on his face.

Meerab pushed him away laughingly and said,

"You really can't control yourself?"

"You are irresistible" Murtasim replied animatedly

Meerab gave him a hard push and moved away from him and towards Meesam's scroller. 

"Come down fast, everyone is ready and only waiting for you...Mama Baba arrived last night from Karachi for this brunch. It'll be very disrespectful to make our guests wait....Get dressed and get your superior as* down in 5 minutes, Khan Sahab." Meerab commanded.

"Yes Khanum!" said Murtasim bowing down to her and she left taking Meesam with her but the sound of her laughter stayed behind.

It was a good day at the Khan's Haveli, one of many more that will come to grace their lives. Problems will come, and hurdles will arise but love has the power to conquer all....Love has the power to heal.


I am writing an original story completely unrelated to Tere Bin but inspired by YumHaj chemistry.

Title: "Fruit of Passion"

do give it a try!


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