The Silence

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Meerab and Murtasim were sitting in complete silence inside the car which was on it's way to Karachi from Hyderabad. The events of the past few hours were replaying in their heads. the noises in their heads were deafening and yet no word made it out of their mouths.


Meerab wanted to explain herself to Murtasim but she needed to make sense of the happenings of previous few hour first. She can't believe she was used as pawn in the revenge plot MAlick Zubair was hatching against the Khans, not just her but Marium too. GOD! how is that even possible. So, there was no 'Anas' at all, it was always Malick Zubair who trapped Marium in the web of his love to hurt Murtasim. She remembered the moment when he called Murtasim to inform him that he had Marium, she had never seen Murtasim this helpless before and the fact that she, albeit reluctantly, was the facilitator of this trap made her gut turn. Meerab felt like throwing up.

The world is full of dangers and they exist both out side and inside of the house, Meerab thought when Haya came to her mind. How vile can one be, in her hatred towards me she didn't think about how many people she will be hurting, she didn't think of Marium who was like a sister to her, she didn't think of Maa begum who took her in and raised her like her own child, she didn't think of Murtasim who she claims to love so much. What kind of love is this? Meerab was thinking.

Haya, who knew about MAlick Zubair since day one, yeah that much she confessed to her. Haya who despite knowing the truth of Anas never spoke a word or warned Marium, Haya who filmed Meerab on her phone when she opened the back-door of HAveli for Anas but didn't make any effort to save Marium. That Haya is sitting comfortably at the Khan's Haveli rightnow while Meerab is being shipped to Karachi because she was deemed guilty. Well, she looked guilty in the video that Haya showed everyone accusing her to be an accomplice of Malick Zubair. Hell! she felt guilt in that moment. But now, she just felt defeated. Nobody, not even Murtasim gave her a chance to explain.

Meerab turned her head to look at Murtasim who's face was impassive, his eye were fixed on the road ahead but the Muscles of his neck looked strained. She might not have noticed it before but she knew him intimately enough to pick that up. She tried to imagine how it would be for him to go to his sworn enemy's house to fetch his sister, to give up his rights and authority to MAlick Zubair in exchange of his sister, but she couldn't. 

Why...Why did all this had to happen? when will life ever give me a break?

Meerab said none of this but started sobbing silently.


Murtasim didn't really knew how he felt then. He knew he felt anxious when he got Malick Zubair's call, informing him about Marium's capture. He knew he felt Helpless when he couldn't find her. He knew he felt like dying and his heart shattering when Haya showed that damned video to everyone in which Meerab let Malick Zubair in the Haveli, because she thought he was Anas. Then somehow he managed to go to Malick Zubair's place to face him and get Marium back and in that moment he felt uncontrollable rage. But he just felt numb.

Did Meerab really not know about Malick Zubair and even if she didn't why would she help his sister elope despite knowing that I disapprove of her relationship with Anas and I had solid reason for that disapproval. Was it easy for her to betray him after all that they had been through.

Why did Meerab do that? he asked himself. If this would have occurred a few months ago he would understand her urge to hurt him but why now? But no, using Marium to hurt him didn't sound like Meerab, then why? Meerab had accepted him, damnit they had consummated their marriage last night, then why......WHY NOW???

Murtasim wanted to scream but he didn't. He kept driving until he reached Waqas Ahmed's residence (Meerab's adoptive father) and then he stopped. 

They both didn't say anything for a few seconds then Meerab's voice broke the silence.

"Murtasim..." He heard her say in a whisper like voice.

"I pleaded you to take care of us and our relationship, Meerab" His eyes gleaming with tears but he didn't look at her. He was referring to their last night's conversation, when he opened his heart to her and shared his buried desires with her. The night which ended up with them finally putting a claim on each other officially. And the next day she betrayed him.

 He quickly got out of the car and moved to the other side, opened Meerab's side of the door grab her hand and gently glided her out of the car. Then he went back to his driving seat closed the door and drove away.

All that without uttering a single word more.


oh-kay so, I thought I would write drama but than, I thought we have already been through so much. So I skipped it and wrote about something I always wondered about. Meerasim's car ride from Hyderabad to Karachi.

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