The Final Declaration

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"It's an emergency" Meerab said breathlessly and Murtasim's first thought was that something had happened to Waqas

"Waqas Chacha...?" He exclaimed

"No, No...He's fine" Meerab said waving a hand, which made Murtasim even more confused then before. What's the emergency then?

"What happened then?" Murtasim asked now extremely perplexed and concerned

"I need answers....Urgently." Meerab said flatly but her eyes were shining with an indescribable emotion.

"what...?" Murtasim's confusion peaked

"Why did you agree to the divorce?" Meerab asked eyeing him cautiously

"Aaaaa....I....You wanted that" his answer was dipped in uncertainty as he couldn't figure out what exactly she was getting at but something was there on her face that made Murtasim think that he should be careful with his answers.

"Yes, I wanted that...why did you agree?" Meerab asked now taking one steady step towards him

"Meerab...? what are you trying to ask, can you please come to the point?". Murtasim wanted to cut the chase.

" dragged me from my birthday party to bring me here, you stood against both my fathers to stop me from going back to Karachi when Maa begum threw me out" Meerab was taking one step closer to Murtasim with each word, her body language furious, her eye maddening and Murtasim had to take a step back, almost scared of her. But, Meerab wasn't done....

"You said leaving was not a solution, You said you loved me damnit!.....Then why didn't you fight for me" Meerab yelled the last sentence out.

Meerab was now standing really close to Murtasim, mere inches away, her eyes shining up to him as he looked down at her, trying to formulate a coherent answer to her question.

"I...I believed you when you said 'we are not good for eachother'." Murtasim said softly

"I had said great many things to you in the past 10 months Murtasim, and that's what you chose to believe?" Meerab exclaimed in angry-disbelieve.

"Meerab....did you want me to fight? do you want me to fight?" Murtasim was saying, his eyes soft, his voice whisper-like "Because I'll fight, I'll fight for you till my last breath." Murtasim was at the verge crying now as he continued....

"I only want to fulfill your wish Meerab....That's my only intent, that's my only aim." Murtasim said trying to explain his stance.

Meerab's eyes were now brimming with tears and the anger has been replaced by something else, something more profound....was it love? Murtasim thought.

Meerab took one small step towards Murtasim to cover the remaining distance between them and then suddenly raised both here tiny hands to grab Murtasim's collar to drag him even closer as she spoke ever so softly looking deep into his eyes,

"Listen to me Khan Murtasim Khan, and listen to me very carefully as I am probably never going to repeat that again..." she breathed before continuing, 

"I just found out that we 'Khans' only fall in love once, and I, for  better or for worse have fallen for you so deep that that the chances for me to find my happiness without you are near to none. So, here I am, swallowing my pride and asking you not to walk away from with mine for the rest of your live, will you?" Meerab completed her speech, her expression both commanding and pleading.

Murtasim was feeling an overwhelming sense of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. He was in a  profound and deeply euphoric state that arises with the realization of the sincere and intense love he was receiving from Meerab. It took him several seconds to get out of that euphoria and respond to Meerab's declaration of love as he raised both his hands to cover Meerab's hands on his collar and then started...

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