The Return

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The entire drive back from Karachi to Hyderabad was a torment. Murtasim Kept on having images of Meerab and Rohail in his head, them sitting together in the cafe, them alone in his apartment and some imaginary ones which are far worse than those he had encountered. It feels like everything is boiling inside him. A small voice reasoned they were just sitting in a cafe surrounded by so many people there is nothing scandalous about it. Then rage took over again arguing with reason....but she promised!.... Everything inside him hurt.

Murtasim reached home in a very dishevelled state and met with Maa begum at the entrance who inquired, "Kaha se area ho?" (where are you coming from?)

" I went to get some work done, do you need me for something?" Murtasim said mindlessly

"Ja K Meerab ko wapis le ao." (go get Meerab back) instructed Maa begum

At this, Murtasim looked at her with wide-open eyes "Why? you were the one who wanted her gone"

"I was very angry and disturbed by the Video Haya showed....but now I can think straight especially after Waqas's plea and Marium's version of events, I think we were very harsh with her"....she sighed and continued " I know you want her back and Marium is also adamant that without Meerab she won't be going to her Rukhsati"

"Well, that's between you and Marium. As far as I am concerned, I am least bothered," said Murtasim flatly and left.

"Least bothered my foot" whispered Maa begum to no one in particular.


Maa begum had reached Karachi early in the morning and now was pleading with Waqas Ahmed to let Meerab go with her. She told them about Marium's condition and Murtasim's ghost-like state but Waqas Ahmed was having none of it. Just then Meerab arrived and declared,

"I want to go back....I won't forget what you did to me.." she spoke to Maa begum directly, "but I will go back to the haveli, for Marium's sake if nothing else" 

Maa begum gave her a sad smile and nodded 


Meerab was preparing for Marium's wedding, she was dressed in a cream-coloured embroidered suit which looked extremely good on her. However, she can't stop herself from thinking about the 'black dress' she initially wanted to wear to Marium's wedding. Her mind kept going back to the conversation she had with Murtasim about that black dress and the way he came close to her, she had shivered as his breath brushed her ear when he had whispered 

because if you don't put it on how am I going to take it off you.

The thought brought a very peculiar pink shade to her face. She had told Maa begum that she will come back for Marium but that's not true, not entirely. The truth was she was Missing Murtasim like anything. Yes, she was upset with him for how he stayed quiet about Marium's incident and especially how he reacted to her meeting Rohail. But, she was willing to go back and have a proper conversation about all this so that they can move on from this mess once and for all.

Maa begum had left in the morning shortly after Meerab had agreed to come back. Now, Meerab along with Waqas and Anila was on her way to the Khan Haveli. She realized that for the first time in the past four days, she was smiling.


Murtasim despite making an effort couldn't bring his anger down most of it was directed at Rohail. In an unreasonable attempt to satisfy his male ego, he brought out his phone, dialled a number and said, "Bukhtu I am sending you an address, the resident's name is Rohail...." he paused while the voice on the other side said something then continued, "Bas ussay mera Salam bhijwana hai." (Just send my regards to him.).


It was almost 8.00 pm and all the guests have arrived for the Rukhsati ceremony. The Khan Haveli was decorated like a bride. The groom Naurez khan was seated on the stage looking dapper and everyone was waiting for the bride. Haya came to Murtasim and tapped on his shoulder. Murtasim turned around annoyed,


"See, Waqas chacha and Anila Chachi haven't arrived. I think they really have severed all ties with us. I think Meerab will never be back now."

Murtasim gave Haya the death stare and hissed "Stop bothering me and F*ck Off."

Just then the Bride arrive, Murtasim was looking in the opposite direction as he had no interest in any of these functions. After yesterday's incident in Karachi, Murtasim was in constant grumpy mode.

Marium as a bride was a sight and so was Meerab as her bride's maid. Marium came to the stage accompanied by Maa begum and Meerab while Haya was completely sidelined. Meerab did her Bhabi-duty by settling Marium nicely on the sofa beside Naurez and then left the stage. She search all around and her eyes settled on a back she would recognize in the dark too. 

"Murtasim..." She whispered to herself and then took a long deep breath and marched towards her husband.

******************************************************************************************************** Separation coming up!

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