Trust is earned

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It's been three days since Murtasim had left Meerab at Waqas Ahmed's residence. In these three days, life seems to be moving in a blur. They preponed Marium's Nikkah making some excuse about Maa begum's illness. Marium and Naurez had their Nikkah done two days back. Now, they are preparing for her Rukhsati to be held tomorrow. Murtasim went through all these rituals, events and responsibilities without feeling a thing. Its like somebody had sucked his life out of him, he could feel no more. The closest he came to feeling something was disgust when Haya asked him how she was looking after Marium's nikkah.

"Zeher lag rai ho." (You look like poison) he had replied.

He was lost in thought when a maid informed him that Maa begum is calling him in the lounge and Waqas Ahmed had arrived. Had Meerab come with him too, thought Murtasim and a strange excitement ran through him. He was finally feeling. It bothered him that just the thought of seeing Meerab erupts emotions in him. No matter how mad he is with her, no matter how many mistakes she made or how much danger she had brought to herself and this family he still couldn't bring himself to stay unbothered by her presence or lack to thereof. 

Murtasim went to the lounge with long fast steps and only stopped at the entrance, took a deep breath and then entered. He looked all around the room and saw Waqas, standing in the center of the room, he nods and say his Salaam. Then his eyes moved to every corner of the room but there was no sign of Meerab. So, she hadn't come after all. He felt disappointed, but He Felt something.

Maa begum was sitting on the single sofa seat and Anwar Khan was standing beside her. 

" KIa kehny ae ho Waqas?" (What did you want to say Waqas) Maa begum said sternly.

"Kehny Nai aya, Sunane aya hun aur ap sab ko sunna hoga, kyun Ke aj apkay samne Meerab ka baap nahi bulkay uska Waqeel Khara hai....Aur ab janti hain Bhabi begum mai kabhi koi case nai hara." (I didn't come here to say but to make you all listen and you have to listen, because today I am not standing in front of you as Meerab's father but as her Lawyer....and you know Bhabi begum I have never lost a single case)., Waqas Ahmed was speaking with such confidence that even Maa Begum seem to have been taken aback.

"Please call Marium" Waqas demanded and Marium was called.

And the case began.


Meerab was anxious since her father went to Khan Haveli to plead her case. Anxiety was the only thing she felt for the past three days. Occasionally there was hysteria too. She hated the fact that Murtasim left her here in Karachi without giving her a chance to explain, she felt wronged and once again her abandonment issues resurfaced. Why did everyone give her up so easily. Her birth father abandoned her at birth, thinking of her as the reason for his wife's death. Her adoptive parents gave her up when the Khan family pressurized them and now Murtasim. 

Damnit, Murtasim was probably in the strongest position than any of them to protect her but he didn't. All it took was his family's honour at stake, that too not entirely because of her, and Haya's manipulations for him to abandon her. She felt the bile rising up from her gut to her throat again and hysteria lurking in the corner. Just then Anila, her adoptive mother, came in and announced "Saba ai hai, tumse milny" (Saba has come to meet you)

"Mujhy kisi see nai milna" (I don't wanna see anyone) Meerab said.

"Com'on Meerab beta, How long will you stay like this? Please stop torturing yourself and go meet your friend." Anila urged and Meerab gave a nod albeit reluctantly.

Fifteen minutes later Saba had somehow convinced Meerab to go out with her. They had gone to the nearest cafe and Meerab took a seat just as someone else dropped on the seat beside her. She turned to look at the occupant of the seat and was surprised to find Rohail. Not him again, Meerab thought and gave Saba a killer glare. Saba said, "Look Meerab it's just Rohail our friend and please listen to him he really wanted to apologize." then she added, " I'll just go to the counter to order some snacks." with that she left.

"Look Meerab I am really sorry for what happened the last time we met." Rohail was saying

Meerab was in no mood of hearing his story "Oh really? You are?" she said mockingly.

" I really am yaar. Look I loved you..." 

"Oh Please..." Meerab interrupted him. He paused then continued,

"I did but I realized I should have backed off when you got married"

" Well good for you" Meerab said flatly and realized he really had a long apology speech to deliver so, she tuned him out and started thinking about her own sorry state. About five minutes later, she saw someone standing near the stare case, his eyes dead on her, his jaw set and Meerab stood up with a jolt.


After Waqas Ahmed pleaded and very skillfully won Meerab's case, Murtasim can not contain himself he wanted to fly to Meerab. Yes, Meerab did make some really stupid decisions in this entire Marium-Anas fiasco but she didn't deserve to be thrown out of the house. Murtasim felt disappointed in himself, he should have protected her, and trusted her. Well, he is going to fix it now.

Murtasim immediately took his car and went off to Karachi. about two hours later he arrived at Waqas Ahmed's residence and saw Meerab getting into Saba's car with her. He followed them to a cafe nearby and saw them getting in. He went to the parking lot and realized it was a mistake. It took 3-4 minutes to find a parking space. He parked the car and rushed back to the cafe, looking around on the ground floor for her but she wasn't there, he climbed the stair to the first floor and looked to the right and there she was. But, she wasn't with Saba.

Murtasim felt all the blood in his body rosed to his head. His eyes were burning as he stared at Meerab who seemed to be deep in conversation with Rohail. The same Rohail who Forcefully took her to his apartment the last time they came to Karachi. The same Rohail from whose apartment Murtasim caught Meerab. The same Rohail professed his love to Meerab in front of him and almost destroyed their marriage. Murtasim couldn't believe his eyes. But, Meerab promised.....she promised to never see him again, Murtasim thought.

All their tender moments flashed before his eyes....they probably meant nothing to her, Murtasim concluded. The reality is here, in front of his eyes. Saba apparently playing match-maker here. Murtasim's gut turned, he felt like puking.

Thoughts were racing through Murtasim's brain. Just one misstep.....just one misstep from him and she ran to Rohail. The thought broke him but still he can't stop staring and just then Meerab looked up and saw him. She stood up abruptly and ran towards him. He was already backing away

"Murtasim!" she called "please stop"

Murtasim swings towards her and said " You disappointed me again Meerab" he was at the verge of breaking down but still exclaimed " Rohail, Meerab. Out of all people, Rohail is the one you seek comfort from?"

"That's not fair Murtasim." Meerab said feeling extremely offended.

"Yeah! none of it is..." with that Murtasim rushed down the stairs and disappeared.

***************************************************************************************************** That's it for this part. I know it was slow and mostly the repetition of the events from the actual drama serial, with only slight changes. But, I needed to get through this part to get to the part I really want to write about.

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