The Unexpected

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Meerab was coming back to the hospital to take care of the discharge procedure as Waqas was to be sent home today. Anila along with Anwer came some 6-ish in the morning and by then Waqas had also been woken up so Meerab went home to take a shower and a little nap and by 11.00 am she was back in the Hospital. She did not see Murtasim after he went to the mosque in the early morning and wondered where had he been.

As Meerab entered Waqas's room she saw that all machines had already been removed fromWaqas's body in fact he had changed and was already in the wheelchair ready to be taken home.

"Oh have the doctors discharged him already?" Meerab asked and Anila nodded

"Okay I'll just go to the counter and take care of the discharge formalities," Meearb said quickly moving towards the door.

"It's done beta" informed Anwer

They were all quiet but something was there in their eyes that made Meerab think that she was missing something so she decided to cut to the chase and ask

"Is there something I should know?"

"Actually, The doctor said that your Baba need rest and a stress-free environment, he also suggested a change of scene but...." Anila tried to explain but trailed off

"We have decided to take Waqas to Hyderabad until he fully recovers," Completed Anwer

Visible shock appeared on Meerab's face as she looked from Anwer to Anila and then Waqas with questioning eyes.

Waqas said apologetically "They are saying we will only be staying at Anwer's portion, you don't even have to go to the other side" Then after some thought added " But if you still feel uncomfortable...."

"NO, It's okay" Meerab answered thinking that since the night Murtasim had left her at Waqas's door, he had been nothing but supportive and caring towards her as he had always been so this she owed to him.

"I Have survived 10 long months there, I am sure I can survive a few more days. If that's what it takes to get my Baba up and running" she concluded, her expressions were soft and all three parents exhaled a sigh of relief.


Anila and Waqas were in Anwer's car which was speeding ahead of Murtasim's Range Rover which carry all their supplies and stuff and....Meerab.

Both of them were sitting in silence much like the last time they were in the car together from Hyderabad to Karachi at night, At that time there was a lot going on in their heads but right then even their minds were blank.

Meerab frantically searched in her mind to talk about a neutral topic which would not trigger any unwarranted emotion....Marium? NO!...... The stuff she left there, it was important? No! not that......future plan? NO definitely not that. Shit!

"So, how's the weather in Hyderabad?" she blurted out and felt extremely stupid because Karachi and Hyderabad are literally in the same4 weather zone.

However, Murtasim didn't seem to notice her silliness and absent-mindedly said "It's pretty warm there, but not too much you can have your evening tea at the poolside as you like to......" he trailed off. Shit!

Awkward silence in the car.

"would you like some music?" Murtasim asked trying to rectify the situation

"sure" Meerab replied in an attempt to neutralize.

Murtasim push the music on and the car blared of Nusrat Fateh Ali khan's voice

Tumhen dillagi bhool jani paregi (You would forget casual flirting)

Muhabbat ki rahon mai aa kar to dekho (Try walking the road of  true Love)

Tarapnay pe maire na phir tum Hanso ge (You will no more laugh at my plight)

Kabhi dil kisi see laga kar to dekho (Try getting your heart attached to someone)


So, It was either Nusrat Fateh Ali khan or Awkward silence or even more awkward conversations. They both silently decided and agreed on Nusrat Fateh Ali khan and the journey continued.


"Do you think It will work?" Waqas asked Anwer

"I really don't know. They both are too stubborn and once they decide something it's really difficult to change their decision." Anwer answered

"But we have to try," Waqas said assertively "We as elders need to take responsibility for the fact that they both had to start their relationship on such a wrong note because of us." He made his point clear.

"Yeah! That we do. That much we owe the kids. If nothing much, we will give them a chance to reconcile." Anwer agreed and Anila nodded too.

All three of them made this plan when Anila and Anwer arrived at the Hospital in the morning and Waqas told them about their conversation. They are going to try and rectify their mistake.


Anwer's car entered the Haveli followed by Murtasim's car. AS all the passengers from Anwer's car came out, Murtasim unlocked his car and killed the ignition. Just when Meerab was about to get out of the car she heard Murtasim say 


Meerab stopped to look at him

"I am sorry" Murtasim said softly which made Meerab confuse.

Murtasim took a few seconds to continue while Meerab waited for him to elaborate.

"That said Rohail was better than me because he said sorry and in my fit of rage I only heard Rohail was better than me"

He sighed and continued "It took me a whole week to understand the complete context. So, I want to apologize.....for everything."

Meerab stared at him as her heart skipped a beat. It took several seconds for her to collect her thoughts and reply.

"Murtasim! I am not blameless and you are not singularly responsible for the catastrophic end of our marriage......So go easy on yourself"

"So does that mean apology accepted?" Murtasim asked with a small rueful smile on his face

"Of course" Meerab smiled back and for a moment they were back to being the Murtasim and Meerab they had become before the Marium-Anas-Haya disaster.

They came back to reality when Bakhtu knocked on Murtasim's window to ask him to open the trunk of the car to get the supplies out. They both almost jumped at the sound of the knock and felt their cheeks turning hot. Murtasim turned to respond to Bakhtu and Meerab took this golden chance to immediately climb out of the car and join the rest of the party now moving towards Anwer's part of the Haveli.

"THis is not going to be as easy as I thought." Whispered Meerab to herself.

****************************************************************************************************** Sorry for the late update.

Okay so, I might go a little "bold" in the next chapter, only slightly. I hope you guys don't mind.


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