Chapter 14

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You sat looking at Ciel after he made his proposal.

"You want me to assist the chef" you said bluntly.

"and when your not doing that you help our maid clean" Ciel reminded you.

"That's it?" you question.

"Hm. Of course not" Ciel smirks "I shall be having Sebastian help you awaking your demon part. You have been living as a human and Shinigami for too long. I'm sure with your demon part awoken you can learn the necessary skills to help defend the mansion if it should be attacked alongside the other servants"

"Eh?!" you exclaim.

"Yes, Finny though frail looking has a strength like no other, Bardroy is ex millitary and Mey-Rin is an excellent sniper who rarely misses a target" Ciel explains.

"Holy shit.. That's crazy.." you mutter to yourself.

"So are you going to accept my offer?" Ciel asks.

"Sure, it's a deal" you say with a smirk.


You arrive back at the Phantomhive home and get out after Ciel. You now have a proper chance to admire how beautiful the building and gardens are. You realise the two males are ahead of you and quickly run up behind them to keep in stride. Once inside Sebastian takes Ciels cape, tophat and cane then places them in a storage area near the door.

"It is late to I shall have Sebastian escorts you to your room. A uniform will be delivered tomorrow morning. You will not start work till the day after. I will see you in my office at 10am tomorrow to discuss a few things regarding your role here, understood? " Ciel asks.

" Of course" you say with a nod.

"Good. Sebastian escorts Miss Y/N to a room in the servents quarters then come back to my bedroom to assist me" Ciel tells Sebastian.

"Yes, my lord" Sebastian replies with a small bow then looks at you "If you could follow me"


The next morning you get awoken by knocks on the door and groggily say a come in. Your throat hurt as well as your eyes and you had a slight headache.

"Good morning Miss Y/N" Sebastian says as he comes in and walks to place the items on a chair "I have your uniform and a spare dress for you to wear today. It is currently 8:30am so you have 1hr 30minutes to get washed and dressed before I will need to escorts you to his study the-"

Sebastian pauses when he sees you. He notices your puffy eyes and slightly red nose. He frowns as a weird pang strikes his heart seeing your sorry stage.

" Is everything okay? Are you unwell? " Sebastian asks while sitting on the edge of the bed.

" No..." you sigh trying to not cry "it just... now I was left alone everything finally sunk in about who I really am... Losing myn role... Not being able to see my sister as much now or ever again... That's what upsets me the most surprisingly"

Sebastian looks at you. He surprised himself as he felt a that pang again seeing your disheveled state which is not the same lady he has come to know. Your eyes not having that sparkle, your hair a mess, your eyes bloodshot, your skin paler than normal. Without knowing why or for once thinking he wraps his arms around your frame using one hand to stroke your hair. You stiffen at first before melting into the embrace letting more tears flow nuzzling your face into his chest but starting to find comfort in his scent of lavender and tea leaves making your tears start to calm down and your breaths start to even out. Soon you completely calm down and you move away from the embrace.

"Sorry" you say with a sniffle "I got your uniform dirty"

"No need to apologise its completely fine" Sebastian tells you "Let's dry your eyes then you need to get ready to meet the young master"

Sebastian proceeds to pull out a hankey and dabs your eyes dry and in the process you both lock eyes and at the same time you both feel what can only be described as a jolt of electricity go through your bodies. Sebastian clears his throat and proceeds to stand up with a small smile.

"I shall leave you to get dressed and be back in an hour to escorts you to the young master" Sebastian tells you as he walks to the door and opens it.

"Sebastian.." you say making the demon freeze and look at you.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Thanks you" you respond.

"You are most welcome" he smiles as he closes the door.

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