Chapter 7

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"WHAT THE FU-" you start to shout till a gloved hand covers your mouth and you feel breath on your ear.

"Such vulgar words from a lady. Please refrain from saying such things in front of my young master otherwise I will need to teach your mouth a lesson" Sebastian says huskily into your ear sending a shiver down your spine and making you freeze.

Y/N. Exe stopped working....

With a slight chuckle he walks over to Ciel and Elizabeth while you try to restart to your brain. You finally kickstart your mind when the three run past you, you blink then realise the situation that your being left behind again.

"Why is everyone always leaving me behind?!" you exclaim in frustration before running after them.


Here you were stood now staring at the man you knew as your 'friend' aka the Undertaker as he describes his involvement with the dolls and currently holding one of them and wondering if he should be angry or not about the fact Sebastian and Ciel prevented slot of deaths from this experiment.

Your emotions overwhelm you as you stand there in shock unaware of the tears streaming down your eyes. This man was your best friend and like an older brother to you. He treated you like family and here he was the mastermind who orchestrated this whole plan. He lied to you. Not about his true intentions but the fact he was the legendary Shinigami. A 'deserter' due to his lack of glasses. Grell, Ronald and Sebastian start to converse well more like bicker while you slowly stumble toward the grey haired Shinigami.

"U-Undertaker..." you whimper out.

The makes green-yellow eyes lock onto your E/C one and you see his face show slight remorse to the girl who he classed as a little sister.

"Y/N..." he breathes out "I'm sorry"

"I trusted you.." you say softly with your head hung low and fist clenched at your sides "I trusted you and classed you as family and you lie to me"

Your teeth grit as your hands drip blood from the intensity of your nails breaking the skin on your palms as more tears dell from your eyes and to the floor.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I truly do care for you... I didn't mean to lie to you" Undertaker says as he places a gentle hand on your head "and because I care I have to do this to protect you"

You look at him confused unaware of the trio behind you ready to strike when you feel a hard chop on the back of your your neck and fall toward as darkness enveloped you.


A/N: really short chapter. I'm starting off from the non cannon part of the anime as I haven't read the manga regarding the public school and looking on Wiki fandom the plot is confusing to follow for me without the imagery to accompany it. Seeing as undertaker is technically 'out of the picture' you dear reader will take his place! No you won't be undertaker 2.0 but it helps me wiggle you in the story so the plot won't be 100% the same BUT it will help blossom more of your relationship with Sebastian! Also I will be adding some chapters of my own creation to help these things.

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