Chapter 20

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Pacing back and forth is all you could do once in Ciel's study as you showed him the letter while Sebastian proceeded with dinner.

"Y/N. Calm down. Your making me dizzy just watching you" he sighs as he rubs his temples.

"I'm sorry my lord but seriously!? Me?! a traitor!" You scoff with anger "How can I be a traitor when even I didn't know till that day?!"

You stopped pacing as you run your fingers through your now disheveled hair. You watched as Ciel leans back in his chair and entwines his fingers in his lap.

"What will they do? They can't kill you can they?" he asks.

"No. It can be anything. It could be torture for eternity, imprisonment... There has even been cases where your forced to marry another being and 99% of the time the person was beaten, raped  or both by their forced partner" you say shakily while running your fingers through your hair.

"If that's the case I will have Sebastian stand in for that. At least he knows the truth and you won't be put through harm" Ciel tell you "also regarding the training we will forget about it till we know what's happen"

"Thank you my lord" you say with a bow.

"Go rest, you have a few days till the trial and you sound and look drained. Just be sure to start on time tomorrow" he tells you

"Yes my lord. Thank you" you say and leave the study going straight to your room for some needed sleep.


The day of the trial arrived. Grell held you tightly till you both had to be separated as you stood at the podium in the centre of the hall and in the stands stood the higher up and to the sides other reapers. Most of them frowning and a few sending nasty scowls which intimidated you.

"Y/N Sutcliff you are standing here today on the accusations of being a traitor to the Shinigami relm. May we ask how do you plead?" one of the older higher ups say.

"N-Not guilty sir" you stutter.

Hearing this being said a few mutters and angry protests were heared before being silenced.

"You don't sound so sure Miss Sutcliff" the same man comments.

"I-I don't like being centre of attention sir" you respond.

"Hm. Anyhow due to the evidence before me regarding your lineage being kept secret this whole time we believe you could be working secretly alongside the angels or demons or even both." the higher up says and you stare at him flabbergasted.

"You have got to be bloody joking?! I only found out when that blasted woman told me. I spent my whole living life and Shinigami life believing I was a human like my sister!" you exclaim "you can ask her and William they would tell you. They saw how I reacted to what Angela revealed!"

"SILENCE MISS SUTCLIFF!" the higher up shouts making you close your mouth and look down "we can't take your word from it especially due to the fact you willingly helped a demon get involved with something that was related to Shinigami work the proceeded to bring him to our relm! "

"I was helping the queen's guard dog with the queen's work and because it was linked to Shinigami work it was a two birds with one stone situation! On too of that we ended up fighting a common enemy and it wasn't just me, Grell and William were there too!" you explain.

" STILL! you sent them back and left a living human no doubt behind and Grell and William were doing what they needed to do as Shinigami to complete the job and protect the relm! " the higher up counters back.

"You prejudiced motherfuckers! I have been loyal to everyone and my role! shinigami have done worse and all they get is a slap on the wrist and a warning and your doing this based on my bloodline that I never knew about until now?!" you shout back.

"I have heard enough Miss Sutcliff!" the higher up says before turning to the others and after a few minutes of whispers "We have come to a verdict! Miss Sutcliff there will be a competition between a representative of the angels, demons and Shinigami. Whoever wins will be your chosen partner to marry for eternity and they will have free reign to treat you as fit! Court dismissed! Take her to a cell! "

Quite a few gasps were heared and mutters as well a Grell's cries. Your eyes widened as your head dropped and tears fell while you get escorted to the cells.

Ciel I hope you keep to your words and Sebastian wins you thought as you were taken underground to your temporary stay.

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