Chapter 13

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Your eyes widen hearing this and you look at Grell who is just as shocked as you before looking at Angela.

"Hold on a minute. But our dad-" "Isn't your dad" Angela buts in.

Your eyebrows furrow hearing this news.

"Your mother was pure unclean. Grell was the only child conceived by both parents. You my sweet Y/N was covieved by a man who is a mix of a demon and an angel as your mother decided to be unfaithful to Grell's father" Angela explains then looks at Grell "When I met her I could tell she was special... But she needed that little push and after your 'death' I used that to my advantage. I convinced your parents to put her in an impossible situation that I knew her beautiful soul and heart couldn't take and now she is the pure creation she is today"

Your throat tightens as your eyes burn from trying to hold back tears and your head goes light and you stumble to which Sebastian catches you.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Sebastian asks.

"Y-yeah... I will be fine, thank you" you stutter out as you stand up on your own.

Grell walks over to you and engulfs you in a hug which you return.

"This won't change a thing. Your still my baby sister" Grell tells you.

You sniffle and nod as you let go giving Grell a smile. You turn around and your eyes widen as you see Ciels cinematic record return to his body.

"No!" Angela cries out as Ciel awakes and falls off Angela's lap.

You get distracted running to Ciel and Angela takes that her cue to escape. Suddenly a book falls out of a bookshelf and your run over to it quickly and read it.

"She is going to kill everyone in the chapel. That is their cinematic records" William says while looking over your shoulder.

"Not if I can help it" you say pulling out a pink book mark and put it in " I temporarily stopped it. Sebastian I'm going to rewrite it and have you sent there with William and Grell!"

They all nod and you pull out a pen that rewrites the story and watch as Sebastian, William and Grell dissappear then write down that William gives Grell a loaned death sycth to help fight Angela. Then write down how they manage to restrain her and escape the convent while the building collapses that's when the pen stops writing.

"Dammit" you grumble and put the book back then run over to Ciel.

"Ciel! Let's go back" you tell him and he nods following you out the library.


You arrive back and Ciel goes over to Sebastian. Grell was collecting the souls of the few people who didn't make it and William walks upto you.

"Y/N. Due to the new discovery of you being part demon and part angel I am going to have to revoke you of your role. I will speak to the higher ups and once they have decided you may have your role back. Until them please hand over your sycth, book mark and pen" William tells you.

"W-what?" you stutter confused and shocked.

"I apologise but it is protocol. You will also not be allowed to return to the shinigami world until a decision has been decided. You have been an excellent worker im sorry it has come to this" William tells you and with a heavy heart you hand everything over. He bows and walks off towards where Grell is situated.

You sigh as tears fall from your eyes and walk off to leave the convent unsure of where to go. You make it out the convent and continue walking for 20 minutes. You hear horse hooves clopping behind you but you pay no mind until it stops I front of you and you look up to see Ciel opening the door.

"Y/N. Get in. Your coming with me" Ciel says and you stand there mouth open in surprise "stop gawking and get in"

Ciel sighs and sits back down and you shake your head as you shoot a look at Sebastian, who is sat up guiding the horses, a small smile before climbing in the carriage and sitting opposite of Ciel.

"Now then" Ciel states "let's discuss about you working for me instead"

My sisters crush (Sebastian x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now