Chapter 23

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You found your sister and a waiter walks past where you grab two flutes of champagne downing them quickly.

"Woah baby sister slow down" Grell says with a slight laugh.

"You would be drinking like this too if you were in my position" you grumble before grabbing another off a passing waiter.

"What do you mean?" she asks confused  then went to take a sip of her champagne.

"Those fucking higher ups pulled me, Sebastian and Ciel aside and told me we have two years to either be with or have a child" you tell her making her suddenly spit out her drink in shock.

"What?!" she exclaims and you nod taking a sip of the bubbly drink in your hand.

"Exactly and if I don't then it will be great shame on the Shinigami relm because it's in the law" you sigh as you roll your eyes "Not only was I made to marry your  crush I'm now being forced to bare his child. I'm a horrible sister... I'm sorry Grell"

You suddenly find yourself starting to cry as you felt guilty and sad over doing this to your sister making Grell panic a little.

"Ah! Y/N it's not your fault! Don't cry!" she says while quickly placing the glass down and embracing you in a tight hug trying to calm you down.

"But you really like him! I didn't want to be one of those sisters! I wanted you to be happy!" you say through sobs.

"Baby sister don't say that. I am happy because I have you in my life still" she says softly as she uses her thumbs to wipe away your tears "Yes I have a thing for Bassy but I also know he isn't going to reciprocate it but doesn't stop me from annoying him with it"

You both laugh a little over that and you sniffle.

"So you don't hate me?" you sniffle.

"I could never hate you" she grins and you hug her tightly causing her to chuckle and gently stroke your head.

"Is everything okay here?" you hear Ciel ask behind you and you pull away from Grell to see Sebastian and Ciel stood there surprisingly with looks of  concerned.

"Ah yes just sister bonding moment" you quickly say laughing slightly.

"Well I apologise to break this apart but it's time for the bride and groom to have their first dance" Ciel says and you nod as Sebastian puts out his hand and bows slightly.

"May I have this dance Mrs Michaelis?" he asks making you blush.

"O-Of course" you stutter as you take his hand and follow him to the center of the room and got in position as the music starts and a beautiful melody plays.
You and Sebastian dance gracefully to the music like you two are one with the melody and don't break eye contact as you dance.

(Love this song and cover so much)

When the song ended everyone clapped then joined in with dancing themselves or conversing again.

"Your an exceptional dancer darling" Sebastian says making you blush.

"Thank you. I have had a lot of time to learn" you say with a small giggle.

You then meet up with Ciel who is stood with your sister and William and enjoy the rest of the night with your family and guests.

My sisters crush (Sebastian x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now