Chapter 19

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You changed and cleaned yourself then was on your way to the kitchen when suddenly your tackled into a hug by Mey-Rin.

"Whoa Mey-Rin! What's going on?" you say hugging her back.

"Thank you, I am so happy your here, yes I am" she says crying slightly.

"Your welcome, you don't need to cry though", you say patting her head.

"Im sorry it just not often we have someone stand up like that for us" she sniffles as she let's go.

"Well you should believe that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon so anyone talks down about you just tell me and I will kick their derrières" you say making you both giggle.

"So how do you know Grell?" Mey-Rin asks as you both carry on walking to the kitchen

"That would be my older sister" You say making your fellow maid look at you.

"Really?!" she exclaims surprised by the news.

"Yeah, I love her but she can be too much especially in regards to me" you say with a chuckle.

"You two don't really look much alike" she points out.

"She looks more like her father that's why" you say casually making the girl tilt her head confused "Oh yeah I uh not long found out I was a product of an affair. Our mother was a piece of work"

"Wow, I am sorry to hear that, do you still keep in contact with your parents? " Mey-Rin asks with a frown.

"I don't mind and we haven't seen our parents for a looking time but it doesn't matter cause me and Grell have each other and that's all that matters" you respond with a smile.

Mey-Rin nods and smiles as you both enter the kitchen to see Sebastian working away hard while Grell is tied up in the corner with a cloth in her mouth.

"Uh??? What happened here?" you asked confused and Mey-Rin took that a cue to leave.

"Your sister wouldn't leave me alone while I'm cooking to I had to take matters into my own hands" he sighs.

You chuckle as you walk over to the butler.

"Didn't realise you were into bonage Sebastian" you say loud enough for him to hear and chuckle making him smirk.

You walk over to your sister who looks at you with eyes begging you to let her go.

"I actually like you being like this. The silence is nice" you grin earning a glare I return "Love you too Grell"

With a giggle you pat her head as you walk back to Sebastian who was placing the meat into the oven.

"Soo two things one. Where the hell is Bard? And two. What do you need me to do?" you ask Sebastian.

"I told him to go take a break because I had to deal with your sister and didn't need him too and could you chop up some carrots and take the peas out the pod" Sebastian tells you.

"Sir yes sir" you say with a giggle and a mock salute and got onto work.

"Ugh finally!" you hear Grell say.

"Oh lord it escaped" you say playfully as you roll your eyes and grabbed a cup filling it with water "Stay back vermin!"

You laugh as you dip your hand in and out the water and flick it at Grell multiple times and hiss at her.

"What the devil?!" Grell exclaims backing off trying to back off and stop the water flicking at her face.

"Grell I love you but me and Sebastian are working so get out the kitchen please" you tell her trying to push her out the kitchen and a letter falls out her jacket.

"Oh? What's this?" you ask picking it up and seeing your name.

"Oh I nearly forgot to give you that!" Grell says "It's a letter from the higher ups regarding your position".

You quickly open it and read through it with shaky hands.

"What does it say?" Sebastian asks also curious.

"They... They..." you swallow back the lump in your throat "Their are asking me to go to court as their accusing me of being a traitor"

My sisters crush (Sebastian x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now