Chapter 6

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After the time at the circus you were accompanying Grell with collecting the souls of the members that tried and failed to attack the Phantomhive home. You noticed Grell getting angry over seeing Beast having fun times with Sebastian and being the lovely younger sibling you decided to stoke the fire more.

"You wanna know something Grell?" you ask your older sister.

"What?" she says through gritted teeth.

"I saw that happen" you grin "he is pretty well endowed... We even made eye contact when I got caught"

Your sisters eyebrow twitched and she slowly turn to you. Taking that your cue to leave you let out a loud laugh as your chased by the red haired menace who is screaming profanities at you and saying watching her dear Bassy was just as bad as Beast sleeping with him.


Time went by and after doing more soul reaping and paperwork and now... You were stuck sat on an iceberg next to your sister who is getting excited over what is going to happen next.

"Why am I always stuck with you?" you sigh feeling bored and cold.

"Oh come on darling sister you need to learn how to make an entrance! It makes the situation and job so much more thrilling!" Grell gushes.

You roll your eyes and stand up seeing the large ship heading straight at you and on closer inspection you see the unmistakable look of Ronald. A smirk forms on your face but automatically drops when you hear Grell say a sexual innuendo regarding the size of the ship and you face palm.

"Grell, just get on there and do your fucking job" you grumble.

"Oh baby sister your no fun" Grell whines and you two leap to get on the ship just in time for the ship to hit the iceberg.


After Grell being Grell regarding Ronald's lack of excitement he causes her your on track with collecting souls around the ship while also keeping a look out for anymore of these dolls that Ronald explained were caused by some guy bringing deal people back to life and being informed that destroying their head kills them properly. You finish the first class hallway and you, Ronald and Grell make your way to the third boiler room. You watch as Grell spots a doll and kills it quickly then carry on with your journey.
Upon arriving to the area of the second class resturant  your suprised when you see Sebastian, his young master and a blonde haired girl stood there.

"Well well well. So we meet again lord Phantomhive and Sebastian" you say with a smile but you don't get a word in when your sister starts shoves past you.

"Oh Bassy!! Your here and oh my your all wet which makes you look equally as delicious" Grell gushes making you and Ronald face palm "but as much as I'm happy to see you though I'm afraid we can't let you pass"

The whiplash you just received from your sister sudden change in attitude stuns you for a minute but you get brought out of it when you see her lunge at Sebastian with Ronald. Of course you don't want anything to do with this as its wasting time with collecting the souls. You go to stop her but her Scythe hits a window and water starts to rush in.

"Grell you bloody idiot!!" you exclaim as you try to find something to block the water not getting phased by the ice cold water.

You notice how the trio is getting separated.

"Ciel!!" the blonde girl exclaims trying to reach the Phantomhive boy.

Huh.. So that's his name you thought before shaking your head to get back at the task in hand.

You watch as Sebastian tries to save Ciel and the girl but gets blocked by Ronald who proceeds with the fight. Your eyes widen nearly out your skull when you see a huge amount of those dolls approach the young girl.

"Elizabeth run!" you hear Ciel shout to the girl.

You want to go help but you end up having to dodge hit from the fight happening between Grell, Ronald and Sebastian. You grit your teeth and you pull out your death scythe. You go to jump and intervene to protect Elizabeth just to blink and watch this petite, blonde, doe eyed girl slaughter these dolls like their cows at a slaughterhouse. You stand there in awe watching the scene with your mouth wide open.

Holy shit! This girl is amazing! Right! Who do I need to talk to to adopt her?! You thought.

You moved to stand behind Ciel after she finishes then ends up talking about her past and how Ciel mentioned about not liking strong women. You frown smack him in the back of the head earning a yelp.

"What the hell?!" Ciel snaps at you with a glare.

"Strong women are amazing ya jerk!" you snap back.

You then hear Elizabeth carry on her story and a frown etched in your face as she continued. When she finishes she turns round and completely goes past you and aims her sword at your sister which brings a huge grin on your face.

" Now this is the entertainment I have been waiting for! Go Elizabeth!" you cheered excitedly earning a deadpanned look from Ciel then Sebastian stops her.

"Please lady Elizabeth. Leave them to me, I will take over now" Sebastian tells her.

"Screw you butler! I wanted to see her kick Grells ass!" you say with a pout.

"HEY!" Grell yells.

"Oh shut up" you grumble to the red head.

"Sebastian wait. Our current objective is Rian. He is the key to this mystery" Ciel tells Sebastian.

"Oooh! Thanks for this juicy information. Come on Ronald let's go find him" Grell tells Ronald who nod "Bye bye Bassy~"

You watch as the two run off and you stand there processing what just happened then after a few moments the penny drops and you shout at the two  who ran off.


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