Chapter 3

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(Your circus outfit above, if you don't like it you can imagine something else)

"Your not the only promising new recruits either!" you hear Joker exclaim happily.

Your in the process of juggling daggers when you look and your eyes widen to see Sebastian and his master stood with Joker and Dagger. You stop juggling and throw the daggers at a target hitting the centre of the head with them all. You turn to hear commotion and you internally start to panic when you see and hear will calling Sebastian a demon and some other things which are going to blow not just our cover but there's. You stand next to the young earl and bend to whisper in his ear.

"I'm going to beat his ass, senior or not" you say to the boy.

Before he can respond joker butt's in and laughs it all off as a joke before escorting us outside with dagger and a young girl who is dressed like a young boy.

"So we are putting you in tents. You will be staying in one group of three and one group of two. So I'm tent eight is Smile and Doll" Joker says happily "then tent mine is Black, Suits and our little beauty, Belle"

"You flatter me Joker" you say with a smirk and a wink making the male blush slightly.

Suddenly the young phantomhive boy starts to protest but gets shut down quickly. You look at William to see he isn't happy about the living situation as unlike you he detest demons completely. You were then told to go to your respective tents. Once there you saw a bunk bed and a bed on the floor that was obviously added last minute.

"Right Demon" William said then draws a line "going past this line is forbidden as my valuables are past it. I will be taking the bottom bed and you and Y/N can arrange where you sleep that is if you do sleep"

"We demons do sleep but it considered more as a recreational luxury" Sebastian mentions.

"William. You maybe my Senior but your too much at times" you sigh as you sit on the bed on the floor.

"You know I despise demons. I don't understand why you don't. Your as bad as your sister" William states and you turn your head to him and oh if looks could kill.

"I'm more open minded than you are. Yes it means more paperwork and a slap on the wrist from the higher ups but everyone has to survive somehow even if their a demon. It's called the food chain for a reason. After experiencing death I now understand life more and the means for survival. Grell just jumps for anything good looking and can satisfy her fantasies no matter the species" you state earning a scowl from William and a smirk from Sebastian.

"We will be talking about this when we get back to the office" William growls while you lay back on the matress.

"Oh bite me Will... Actually don't I might like that too much" you grin looking at him from the corner of your eye to see him glare at you before looking over to Sebastian "Your awfully quiet there"

"Just enjoying the evening entertainment that's all" he responds with a smirk.

"Well it's going to stop. We need to get some sleep Y/N" William tells you.

"Psh sleep is overrated" you say swatting the air with the back of your hand.

"I forget you don't sleep like us. You should really get that checked out" William says.

"I got till the end of the earth to deal with it" you say and you notice Sebastian look at you with a raised eyebrow "just like your lot sleep is a luxury to me. My mind never knows how to shut down for sleep"

"Interesting. Have you tried different remedies to help you?" Sebastian asks.

"I have indeed and nothing works. It's no big deal though" you tell him as you grab a book from your case.

"Would you prefer to stay on the bed. It isn't acceptable for a young lady such as yourself to be sleeping on the floor" Sebastian says.

"Thanks for the offer but no. I'm happy here. I slept in worse places." you say as you read your book.

"You heard her demon. Best you get in the bed" William says as he finishes getting ready for bed and gets in his.

Sebastian climbs upto the top bunk and lays down and after half and our the light gets turned off. Thanks to the slight gap you made you have enough moonlight to carry on reading the book.
After some time you hear movement and see Sebastian go to sneak out obviously to do some investigating and before he reaches the door William blocks him with his Death Scythe.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you. Your young master isn't here to keep a leash on you and I won't have you jeopardise anything so it's best you go lay back down" the Shinigami male says warning a glare from Sebastian.

"Your such a jerk" you sigh as you roll your eyes and go back to reading your book earning a glare from the male and Sebastian goes back to lay down then all is quiet again and you wait till the morning.

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