Chapter 15

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(Idea for dress your wearing. Not my image)

You got dressed and using a brush on the small vanity table you style your hair in your usual style then when your finished you hear a knock on the door.
You walk upto the door and smile seeing Sebastian stood there.

"You look lovely Y/N" he says giving you a small bow.

"Uh thanks" you say with a blush "It's been a long time since I wore a dress"

"It suits you but you will need to get used to it as your work uniform is a dress as well" Sebastian informs you as you both walk to Ciel's study.

"I guess so" you say with a giggle.

You arrive at a door and Sebastian knocks on the door. You hear a muffled 'come in' and enter to see Ciel sat at a large oak desk.

"Good morning Y/N, please take a seat" Ciel says.

"Good morning Ciel" you respond while taking a seat.

"So your schedule while your here is written on this paper" Ciel says sliding a piece of paper which you pick up "please give it a read quickly then we can discuss also it won't be the same all the time as I may need you assist me with defending the mansion or escorting me on investigations alongside Sebastian"

You nod as you look at the paper:

7:30am, assist Sebastian with making breakfast.
9am, Clean the dishes after breakfast
9:30am, assist Mey-Rin with cleaning the mansion/doing laundry (shadow her)
11:30am, assist Bardroy (Shadow him) and Sebastian with Lunch.
13:30pm, Clean my bedroom.
3pm, Assist Finnian in the garden (Shadow him)
5pm, assist Sebastian with making dinner.
7pm, Clean the dishes and help tidy the dining room and kitchen.
8:30pm, I shall retire and you shall go change and wait in your bedroom.
9:30pm you shall go with Sebastian to a secluded location to awaken and harness your Demon side till 11pm where you shall retire for the evening.

You stare at the schedule and you feel tired just by reading it.

"Ciel, I came to not babysit your staff. Also if I'm training I can't be wearing myself out like this. I still aquire a healthy amount of sleep to function. Unlike Sebastian I can't stay awake 24/7 and have a constant supply of energy" you point out "my body is going to be going through a huge change. To be a proper Phantomhive maid I need to be in the best shape dont I?"

"Hmm I suppose so... How was your schedule when working with the Shinigami?" Ciel asks.

"We had shifts. Morning, afternoon, evening and graveyard. Each shift lasted 6 hours and we would either be assigned to either collecting souls or paperwork. Unless it's a rare incident like with the circus where we have to be undercover to investigate or travel overseas" you explain "or in my case I did alot of following my sister around and making sure she did her job hence why me and William worked well together and I was mostly by his side. I was one of the rare female Shinigami's that actually did their job right and kept my troublesome sibling in check as best as I could especially after the jack the ripper incident"

You lean back and cross your legs then fold your arms while Ciel leans on his elbows on his dest entwining his fingers and rest his chin on them thinking for a minute.

"Okay then. I don't want to exhaust you especially with the training and I will be honest I am impressed with your bluntness to me and standing your ground but don't make it a regular occurance. So your schedule shall start at 9:30am where you will assist Mey-Rin." Ciel tells you "You may be excused. You can go explore the mansion or get more rest as I'we been made aware you haven't slept that well last night."

"Thank you Ciel and I will try not to" you say with a smile and stand up "I shall take my leave and be prepared for tomorrow"

"Very well" Ciel responds and you leave the study.


You decided to go explore the manor for a while to get acquainted with your new work place. Half way through exploring you found your way to the kitchen and remembered you hadn't eaten today. You enter and see Mey-Rin and 2 blonde males.

"Ah! Lady Y/N! Good morning!" Mey-Rin says with a smile.

"Good morning and please as of tomorrow I am your equal so no need to call me Lady" you respond to the female.

"Well pleasure to meet ya, the bane Bardroy but you can call me Bard" the dirty blonde male with a cigarette says with a smile.

"And my name is Finny! It's nice to meet you!" the perky boy with a straw hat says.

"Pleasure to meet you both just call me Y/N" you say with a smile.

"So did you say your working with us starting tomorrow?" Finny asks.

"Indeed. My Shedule is a bit different due to having to do studies in the evening so I will be starting at 9:30am with helping Mey-Rin" you explain "I'm looking forward to working with you"

"Well then..." Bard says putting his hand out to you "welcome to the team!"

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