Chapter 18

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While the young master is finishing eating his lunch before going back to his study you start to clean his bedroom.
You start off with the dusting, then cleaning the floor then making the bed making sure the sheet has no wrinkles then go and clean the bathroom. Once done you see its time to assist Finny in the garden. You happily go to the garden and watch as you see Finny takes a furnace in the greenhouse. You face-palm knowing this won't be good and you run as fast as you can and burst into the greenhouse.

"Finnian!" you say sharply making the boy turn and look at you.

"Oh hi Y/N!" Finny says with a bright smile "the flowers look close to blooming so I was going to heat it up some more here so they bloom quicker"

"Finny my sweet sweet boy. You do that their going to burn to a crisp" you tell him nicely.

"Really?" he responds wide eyed.

"Mhm you need to let nature take it course. The most beautiful things take time to grow or be created" you look and see a butterfly "See this butterfly for instance it starts off as a small egg then once hatched it grows into a caterpillar. Then when the time is right it forms a cocoon and stays in there for a while before coming out as this beautiful butterfly but just like these roses their delicate so you want to avoid doing things that can hurt them easy"

As you finish that you put your finger out and the butterfly lands on your finger and you giggle watching the young boy stare in awe. Normally he would get scolded by sebastian and called an idiot for something like this then he would walk off which leads to him making the same mistake again but you took your time to explain. You helped him learn. The place you stood made it seem like you were surrounded by a halo of light to the boy but he brushed it off as the sun not questioning it due to the mesmerising words and actions of care.

"I get it now" he says with a smile "So being patient and gentle will help the flowers grow"

"Yep and taking care of them. It takes time and can be frustrating but it's all worth it in the end" you say with a smile as you place your finger next to a flower letting the butterfly walk onto it "now finny, let's get down to do removing the weeds instead"

"Yes ma'am!" he exclaims happy and you both giggle as you walk toward the back of the garden unaware of the demon that was watching you.

Tsk that was the damn angel part showing. I need to nip that in the bud quickly he thought walking back to Ciel.


Humming to yourself you enter the foyer to go to your room to get cleaned up ready to prepare dinner when suddenly the door bursts open. You let out a small scream and turn to get ready to fight when a blur of red flies at you and knocks you too the floor.

"Ahh! My darling sister! I missed you soo much!!"

"Grell!?" you exclaim struggling to breath.

The said reaper let's go and sits up straddling your lap with a bright smile showcasing her shark like teeth.

"I came to see you! Oh and bassy but mostly you!" she says happily as she gets up and helps you up too.

You stare at her unable to believe it before bursting into happy tears as you hug her tightly.

"Gah! Y/N don't cry!!" she says panicking "I didn't mean to upset you!"

"No Grell im just so happy! I didn't think I would see you again!" you sob into her chest.

"Oh as if those pesky higher ups would stop me seeing my darling sister" she tells you gently stroking your hair.

"Whatever is the meaning of this?!" you heard Ciel exclaim.

You both turned around to see Ciel at the bottom of the stairs with Sebastian at his side.

"Bassy!!!" Grell exclaims happily as she run and jumps to hug him but fails as Sebastian steps aside letting Grell face plant onto the stairs and you try to stifle your giggles.

"Grell? What on earth are you doing here?" Ciel sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose "and Y/N your supposed to be going to the kitchen"

"Sorry my lord" you say with a slight sniffle as you stop crying and wipe the remainder of your tears away "I was going to get changed quickly before the dinner preparations but my sister showed up unannounced"

"Very well" the young boy sighs "I'm going to my study. Sebastian deal with this how you see fit"

"Yes my lord" Sebastian responds as Ciel heads up stair then Sebastian look at you and Grell, who walks back over to you, before a frown etches on his face.

"S-Sebastian don't mind Grell I will carry on my duties" you say with a small frown.

"Duties?!" Grell exclaims in shock before realising your attire "wait your a maid now? You got demoted worse than be after the jack the ripper incident! That's unacceptable! No sister of mine should be brought so low!"

"Grell I assure you Miss Y/N agreed to this on her own accord" Sebastian explains.

Not like I had a choice but I don't mind I like it here you thought.

"Still! A woman like her should be treated as a lady, not some lowly maid!" Grell says and you frown especially when you see Mey-Rin hiding behind a door with a frown on her face.

"Grell!" you snap bring her attention to you "I am not some lowly maid. I am a phantomhive maid. I serve the young master and protect the manor and do so with pride. This is not a lowly maids job this is an honor that I will take. Yes after all the shit I have been put through I should be treated with grace and dignity but I have not and I don't care. The chess piece I am has been moved to give me a more better advantage than before so I don't be knocked down and the enemy given checkmate. I maybe a pawn but in my heart I am a knight protecting the king of this mansion and everyone around me even the ones who don't think they need help and I wear it with pride.....I am no lowly maid of phantomhive. I am a soldier in disguise and I will be damned if anyone disagrees or tries to stop it or me or any worker here...those who do can all go to hell"

With that said you walk off to the kitchen with your head held high leaving a flabbergasted Grell and for once a shocked speechless Sebastian.

My sisters crush (Sebastian x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now