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"The planet of Avalice is at peace. It has been 3 years since the last sight of Arktivus Brevon. And yet, his shadow still looms over the planet. Almost all of his forces have been scrubbed from the planet, all but a few measly remnants scattered across the Avalicion lands. Prince Dail of Shuigang has recently been crowned King Dail of Shuigang. He has recently been making frequent visits to Shang-Tu, to visit with the Magister and discuss dealing with the rest of Brevon's forces-"


    Aya was snapped out of her trance, and glanced over to King Dail, who had been sitting atop his throne, "Yes, your majesty?"

    "Were you monologuing to yourself again?" Dail asked, a small smirk on his face.

"Uhm...yes, your majesty. I apologize," Aya said, blushing from embarrassment and looking down at her feet.

    "No need for an apology, I just thought it was amusing. Funny to see how my guard keeps herself occupied," Dail chuckled a bit, "I did have some news though. We will be having a visitor."

    "Visitor, your majesty?" Aya asked, a small look of confusion on her face. They didn't often have visitors to the palace.

    "Yes, her name is Lady Neera. She is the Magister's royal guard. I do hope that you two bond a little. Seems fitting," Dail smiled, "She helped when Brevon invaded, and know," Dail didn't feel that it was necessary to explain all the details. Mostly because the details made him feel like a fool.

    "Yes your majesty, I know..." As the royal guard, Aya often got to listen to Dail speak, and sometimes they would even have lengthy conversations when Dail had nothing to do. She enjoyed her talks with King Dail, however she would never consider herself a friend to the king. Just a good acquaintance. Aya's train of thought was broken when the sounds of the doors being opened sounded throughout the palace.

"Ah, it seems she's here," Dail stood up and stepped down from his throne, passing by Aya. Aya followed behind the king, as all good royal guards should.

"Lady Neera," Dail smiled as he approached the panda warrior.

"King Dail, your majesty," Neera bowed to Dail.

Dail chuckled, "You still feels strange to be called King. Oh it doesn't matter. It's good to have you here," Dail glanced over to Aya, "Ah, yes I should probably explain why she's here. The magister saw it fit to have Lady Neera transferred here for a short amount of time, so that she could get a well-deserved break from her duties," Dail explained to Aya.

Neera nodded, "Not that I needed it. Anyways, who is this? She wasn't here the last time I came to visit."

"This is Aya. She was recently appointed as my royal guard. I hope you two will get along, as she will be the one to escort you around the city," Dail introduced Aya.

Neera put her hand out for Aya to shake, "Nice to make your acquaintance."

"Uhm...hi," Aya blushed and reached out for Neera's hand, shaking it gently.

"You have a very soft handshake for someone who carries around that laser cannon," Neera said, referring to the laser cannon attached to Aya's back.

"O-oh? Oh uh..yeah," Aya giggled, a small pink blush on her cheeks. Poor Aya. The poor thing was melting. It was pretty obvious to both Dail and Neera that she may have developed a small crush on Neera. Already.

Neera chuckled a little, "Alright well. As King Dail mentioned, I wouldn't mind a tour around the city, it has been at least a year or two since I'd last visited."

"Oh! Uhm! Uh! Yeah! Sure!" Aya giggled again, "Yeah. Uh...mhm."

Dail chuckled, "Here. A map," He pulled a map out from his robes and handed it to Neera, "I've highlighted some spots I think you'd find interesting."

"Thank you, your majesty," Neera said, bowing to him again, before looking at Aya with a tiny smile, "I'll wait outside for when you're ready," And with that, Neera left the palace.

Aya returned the smile, though hers was not as small. Her face was bright red from blushing. She giggled a bit, and kicked at the ground with her foot, "Y-yeah okay, uhm..I'll be right there," Aya suddenly realized something, and turned towards King Dail, "Wait...without me here, who's going to protect you?" Aya asked.

"I can protect myself. Plus, I have my other guards, in case. Now go on, don't want to keep Neera waiting. I think she likes you," Dail chuckled, nudging Aya's shoulder.

"Your Majesty!" Aya squealed, covering her face with her hands.

    As Aya stepped out of the Shuigang palace, she was blinded by the sun. She raised her hand to cover her eyes from the bright light, and saw Neera standing nearby the entrance.

    "Took you long enough," Neera said.

    "O-oh, uhm, uh, sorry..." Aya blushed a bit, and stepped down the stairs, standing next to Neera, "I didn't mean to take so long..."

    "It's okay, no need for an apology," Neera said, putting her hands on her hips, "So. Where should we head...first," Neera trailed off as she heard the sounds of yelling and screaming from behind her. She turned around to see a large, no, gigantic fleet of ships hovering above the city. The largest of the ships, the flagship it seemed, lowered down, "N-no...Brevon..." Neera whispered, her eyes wide as she watched troops deploy from the ships, and begin swarming the city.

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