Heavy breathing. A light chuckle. Brevon. Everyone stood in the power core of Brevon's dreadnought. Lilac, Milla, Carol, Dail, Crimson, Sabre, and Brevon. The Chasers looked like they'd gotten their butts kicked pretty badly. Dail held his hand to the side of his head, putting pressure against a wound that slowly leaked blood. Lilac knelt down next to Crimson, who had been knocked unconscious. Carol and Milla were holding each other steady so they wouldn't fall over.
Sadly, Sabre had it the worst. The android was being held by Brevon, his acid knife held against her neck, "You move, and I slit her throat!" Brevon sneered, his toothy grin shining in the light emanating from the power core in the center of the chamber.
Everyone stood still, fearful of what would happen if any of them moved. Sabre didn't care. She knew what her fate was. Sabre kicked at Brevon's leg, causing him to slip and let go of the android.
"Sabre no!" Dail yelled, reaching out for the android. Sabre went to run towards her allies, but the back of her head was grabbed by Brevon, who swung her around and slammed her face into the metal floor. Sabre tried to get up, but Brevon wasn't gonna let that happen. He grabbed onto Sabre and placed the blade of his knife against her neck.
"You've been a meddlesome spy," Brevon snarled, before running his blade across Sabre's throat. Sabre gagged and grabbed onto her throat, feeling as the acid burnt into her skin and through her power cords. Brevon took Sabre's body and threw it aside, leaving her to bleed out and die. Brevon chuckled, shaking his head as he turned back towards the Chasers. Dail charged forward, blade in his hand, rage filling his entire body.
"BREVON! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Dail screamed, charging forward and swinging his sword at Brevon, who was able to easily sidestep the barrage of sword-swings. Brevon grabbed onto Dail's arm and threw him away. Dail ran straight for Brevon, but just as Brevon was about to slam his fist into Dail, the King shadow dashed right through Brevon and slashed at the creature, leaving a large crack in the back of Brevon's armor. Brevon grabbed onto Dail and swung his acid knife, stabbing Dail in the chest. Dail let out a scream, feeling as the acid burned into his abdomen.
From behind Brevon, the sound of an opening and closing hatch alerted him. He dropped Dail, and glanced behind him to see two figures. Neera and Aya. Aya held her blaster up at Brevon, ready to blow his head clean off, "So that's where the purple one went," Brevon chuckled and turned towards the two pandas, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Aya didn't answer. She fired a plasma bolt at Brevon, but his armor deflected it, "Your weapon is too weak to damage the one, the almighty Lord Arktivus Brevon!" He laughed, raising his clawed hand above his head and closing it into a fist. Just as his claws wrapped up into a fist, a small hatch to the right of Brevon opened up. There were some whirring and clanking sounds as steam vented through the hatch. A flash of red light shot through the steam, and a blue and purple mechanical dragon emerged, its armor shining in the light. Lilac gasped as she recognized the design of the robot. It wore the traditional armor of her people, "This," Brevon placed his hand onto the robot's shoulder, "Is M.E.R.G.A, the perfect weapon, that I created using the DNA of that rodent that defeated me the first time," Brevon glanced back at Lilac with a smirk, "Have fun," Brevon chuckled as Merga activated its jet boosters and launched itself towards Aya and Neera, who quickly jumped and rolled out of the way. As the two were slowly recovering, Brevon stepped past them and out of the room.
Aya got up first and tried to chase after Brevon, but was countered by Merga, who grabbed onto Aya's arm and swung her overhead, slamming Aya's back into the ground. Aya let out a loud huff as she was slammed into the ground, "Neera! HELP!" Aya squealed as Merga raised its clawed hand and went to stab Aya in the face with its claws. Neera jumped onto Merga's back and wrapped her staff around its neck, pulling it backwards, causing its claws to just barely miss Aya's face, and slicing off a few of Aya's hairs, "WOAH!" Aya shrieked and rolled out from under Merga, grabbing her Laser Cannon off the ground and placing it against Merga's chest, "Neera! Watch out!" Aya had hoped the plasma bolt would shoot straight through Merga's chassis and instantly destroy it. As the plasma bolt was fired, it simply dissipated across Merga's armor, "Uh oh," Aya whimpered. Merga looked down at Aya and grabbed onto her neck, raising her off the ground. Aya gagged and choked, feeling the robot's clawed fingers slowly crush her airway. Aya's eyes flickered shut, when suddenly she took in a deep breath of air. Merga had thrown her across the room, as Neera swung her Frost Spear at Merga's back, slicing away at its armor.

Freedom Planet: Trinity (CANCELLED)
FanfictionLord Arktivus Brevon's shadow hangs over Avalice, a sense of gloom and dread fills the people of the planet. Everyone fears the day of Brevon's return. Sadly, that day has come.