Chapter Three: Palace Sweet Palace

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Aya's eyes fluttered open. When the sensation finally returned to her body, she could feel that her entire body ached in pain, "Ugh," she groaned, trying to sit up in her bed.

    "Ah, you're awake," The voice of a nurse echoed in Aya's head.

    "Ow," Aya groaned. Her head ached. She placed her hand to her forehead, feeling it throb in pain, "Where am I? Where's Neera and Dail?" She asked, her worries turning towards her friends.

    "You're in the Shang-Tu palace. In a medical ward. King Dail and Neera-Li are speaking with the Magister about the...situation. You're lucky your friends got you here when they did. Any later and you probably would've died," The nurse said, her chipper voice in contrast to the very serious things she was talking about.

    "Yeah...thanks..." Aya groaned and sat up in the bed, pulling off the blankets and standing up out of bed. She wobbled a little. But she did stay standing.

    "Woah, woah! You've got to lay back down, you-" The nurse tried to get Aya to get back into bed, but was pushed away by the panda warrior.

    "No...I've got to get to my friends," Aya said, pushing past the nurse and out of the medical ward.

    "-Magister, I understand that I am in your kingdom, but I MUST ask you, we need to do something, anything! Brevon is back, my people are dying! We must-!" Dail was interrupted when Aya entered the council room. The Magister stood at the head of the table, with Dail across from him, his hands on the table. He looked upset.

    "Aya!" Neera was also at the table, a look of shock on her face as Aya barged into the room. In fact, many people stood at the table. The Magister, Neera, Dail, and then Aya had just joined them.

    "I apologize but, whom is this?" The Magister asked, referring to Aya.

    "My royal guard, and personal friend. She saved me from General Serpentine. She was also there when Brevon invaded," Dail introduced Aya, motioning for her to join his side. She did, standing next to her king, "Anyways, as I was saying. We need to do something. Brevon has control of Shuigang. Brevon is back! And nobody but me is worried about this?" Dail was almost yelling at this point.

    The Magister spoke up, "King Dail, please lower your voice. I am just as worried as you are. But even though we are worried we must not do anything hasty. Brevon has returned, and from reports, and your own words, he has returned with an invasion force."

    "Exactly! Which is why I say we strike now! Take him down before he can do anything!" Dail argued, slamming his hand against the table for emphasis.

    "King Dail, you do not suggest that I risk the lives of all of my subjects, do you?" The Magister spoke.

    "I do! Magister, your people are already in danger! Once Brevon is finished with the invasion, he will attack here. He will kill your people. All of them!" Dail argued, raising his voice again.

    "Fine. I will tolerate your ideas to ask you this; how do you intend we fight back? From Lady Neera's reports, Brevon is immune to even his own technology. Your guard's weapon is made from reverse engineered Brevon technology, is it not?" The Magister sighed.

    "I say we launch a full scale assault. Take out as many of his ships as we can. I want Brevon gone! I will fight on the front lines if I have to," King Dail growled.

    "King Dail, I understand that you have a...past with Brevon, but this past should not have a direct impact on our future-"

    "Past? PAST?" Dail shouted, "HE INVADED MY HOME, HE MURDERED MY FATHER IN FRONT OF MY EYES, AND THEN HE BRAINWASHED ME! I WANT BREVON DEAD!" Dail continued to shout, before slamming his hands against the table.

    "ENOUGH!" The Magister shouted, silencing the room, "We will deal with this professionally. King Dail, I suggest you take some time to reflect, and get your emotions in check. You are not fit-," But before the Magister could finish, the door to the room swung open. It was General Gong.

    "Your excellency," Gong panted. He got onto his knee, "I have come with news."

    "Yes, what is it, General Gong?" The Magister asked.

    "It's Brevon! His forces are attacking the city!"

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