As Aya stepped into the operations room, there was a small sense of tension. The entire room fell silent, and everyone looked over to Aya.
"Aya? I thought I told you to-" But before Neera could finish, Aya interrupted.
"I apologize for interrupting your meeting, your majesty, but I have brought you this," She stepped up to the magister and handed him the device, its bright shining logo shimmering in the light.
"What is this?" The Magister asked, looking at Aya slightly concerned.
Aya looked to the Magister and realized that maybe having one of his royal guards bring him an unknown device with the logo of Brevon could be a little concerning, "It's a data chip, your majesty. Given to me by Spade. He said that it could be of use to you."
"Spade? Why would a Red Scarf be in Shang-Tusian territory?" General Gong, who was standing by the Magister's side, asked.
"He said that it was to give us a message. He also said that he had tried to give the information to King Dail, but that he wouldn't listen," Aya relayed the information.
"That seems highly suspect. Dail is many things, but he is no moron. If Spade was desperate enough to take this to his brother, why wouldn't Dail listen?" Neera reasoned, "I just don't get it."
"Perhaps it would be wise to put the device into the holo-projector, and allow it to play the message," The Magister said, turning the device over in his hands a few times, before slotting the device into a data disk port in the holo-table. The sudden hologram that projected on the table made the entire room go silent. Everyone's voices were caught in their throats.
There, standing in the middle of the holo-table was a projection of Brevon. And then it spoke, "I am sending this message on all encrypted channels! To any remaining forces on Avalice, do not feel fear, do not be afraid. I have escaped the planet's atmosphere, and over the course of the last year, I have gathered enough forces to wipe Avalice off the face of the universe...forever. Be prepared...for I am coming."
The image of Brevon fizzled out as the holo-projector finished displaying the message. The room's air felt cold.
General Gong was the first to speak, "He's coming back? I thought you two killed him already," Gong motioned towards Aya and Neera.
"It would appear as if he is returning, and with a stronger invasion force even compared to last time," The Magister replied.
Aya didn't say anything. She couldn't. She felt stuck. Frozen in fear. The monster that had ruined her life for the past year...on his way back here? To finish the job he started. Neera could sense that Aya was having a tough time.
"Your majesty," Neera bowed to the Magister, "Permission to take Lady Fae out, to discuss some things?" Neera asked.
"Permission granted," The Magister waved his hand, excusing Aya and Neera.
Neera stepped over to Aya and grabbed hold of her hand. Aya looked at Neera, but still didn't speak. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what she could say. She felt stuck. She felt alone, but a soft squeeze from Neera's hand reminded Aya of the reality of the situation. She wasn't alone. She never would be. As Neera took Aya out of the conference room, Neera closed the large doors behind them and softly gripped Aya's hands, "Are you okay?"
"...I don't know," Aya said, looking down at the floor, "I've been plagued by these nightmares for so long...I don't know what seeing him again might do to me," Aya said.
"I understand," Neera sighed, and softly pulled Aya into a hug, wrapping her arms around Aya's shoulders and squeezing her tight. Aya felt a little taken aback. Neera was never this affectionate with Aya on her own terms.
Aya pulled out of the hug and chuckled, "Are you okay? You never hug me like that."
"Ahem," Neera's cheeks flushed pink lightly, before regaining her composure, no crap attitude, "Anyway, I have a suspicion that Spade didn't tell you everything he knew. I hate to do this...but I think we need to go and find him. Bring him back to the palace for interrogation, and get whatever info out of him that we can. We need to find out how he got that data disk," Neera said, "If we can get any more information out of him, perhaps we can find a way to repel Brevon's attack."
"Yeah, let's get him!" Aya smirked, grabbing a handheld device off her back and pressing a button on it, transforming the device into her heavy laser cannon.
"Calm down there, we have to clear the mission with the Magister first. And we need to find out where Spade even is," Neera sighed, "Come on," She grabbed Aya's hand and dragged her back into the conference room.

Freedom Planet: Trinity (CANCELLED)
FanfictionLord Arktivus Brevon's shadow hangs over Avalice, a sense of gloom and dread fills the people of the planet. Everyone fears the day of Brevon's return. Sadly, that day has come.