As the group arrived at the celebration, they were instantly intercepted by King Dail, "Finally. Took you long enough, come on, the Magister wants to see you," Dail said, grabbing onto Aya and Neera's arm and dragging the two off to the Magister. He was still standing at his podium on stage when the panda trio arrived, alongside Carol and Milla who were making casual conversation behind the group.
"Hey, you could be a little more gentle next time, you hurt my arm," Aya said, grabbing at her own wrist and rubbing it softly. Neera yanked out of Dail's grasp and glared at him.
"Miss Fae, Lady Neera, I am happy that you have found each other. Miss Fae, I am sorry that you missed the opening ceremony, but I understand you have your things to attend to. I had just hoped that the celebration in your honor of defeating Brevon would've been a higher priority," The Magister spoke, "But that doesn't matter now. I have some wonderful news for the both of you."
"What is it, your majesty?" Aya asked, standing at attention, as she always did with her superiors.
"King Dail and I saw fit for you to be transferred from Shuigang to Shang-Tu. Your belongings are being packed up as we speak, and they will be transferred here within the week," The Magister spoke, a sense of slight excitement filled his voice.
"Wait, what? Leave Shuigang? But-" Aya tried to protest.
"I know what you're going to say, and I can answer that. I'm going to be fine, Aya. After Brevon's recent invasion, we've heightened the protective measures...again," Dail cleared his throat slightly, and continued, "I now have more than a dozen guards stationed within the palace. While they aren't as proficient as you are, nothing is gonna get in, or get out. So please, you don't need to worry," Dail smiled and stepped forward, placing a hand on Aya's shoulder, "Really. I'm gonna be fine."
"If you say so, your highness," Aya sighed and looked down at the ground.
Dail pulled back from Aya, as the Magister stepped forward, "Aya, if you could please kneel," He said, raising a hand above his head. Aya did as ordered, kneeling to one of her knees, "I hereby pronounce you, Lady Fae, of Shang-Tu. Now go on, take Lady Neera and go have fun at the celebration. You both deserve it."
"Thank you, your majesty," Aya said, standing up and looking at Neera. As the two walked off the stage, Aya turned to Neera and asked, "How long have you known they were gonna do that?"
"A month," Neera replied, a knowing smirk on her face.
"Yeah. Now come on, let's go find the others. I'm sure they'll need some aligning," Neera said, returning to a more business mode stature, "Lilac's orange boyfriend really ruffles my feathers."
Aya glanced to the side and noticed an avian royal guard huff at Neera's statement, "She didn't mean it like that, sir," Aya said as she was dragged off by Neera.
After regrouping with the rest of the Chasers, they all actually began to enjoy the celebration. They played games, won prizes, ate delicious food, and so on. Even Neera got in on the fun. Aya stepped up to a carnival game and saw a giant stuffed plush of a battledome contestant that Aya liked, "Oh oh! Neera look! Come on! I gotta get it!"
"I will have no girlfriend of mine, own a giant stuffed plush," Neera said, slightly embarrassed by Aya's interest in this plush.
"Oh come on, pleeeease? It's so cute!" Aya begged, dropping to her knees and wrapping her arms around Neera's leg.
Neera's face went bright red as Aya began to beg. Her giant glittering eyes, her slightly pushed out bottom lip. Neera couldn't resist, "Okay okay, just get up, you're ruining your dress."
"Yay!" Aya got up and giggled with delight. She turned to the carnival game worker, "One game please! Please!"
Aya was handed a small basket with about three tennis balls inside. Aya grabbed one and tossed it up in her hand, "Hey hey," Neera grabbed the tennis ball from Aya, "If we're gonna own that thing, I should at least win it for you," Neera sighed and shoved Aya out of the way with her hip. She raised the tennis ball and threw it. She was supposed to hit a few cans stacked onto each other, but the tennis ball was overthrown, and went above the cans, bouncing off the back wall. She groaned and grabbed another tennis ball, throwing it, this time it was too short, and just went right into the floor. Neera growled and let out a few choice words under her breath, before grabbing the final ball, gripping it tight in her hand. Small ice shards had formed where her fingers gripped the ball. She wound up her arm and shot the tennis ball forward, slamming into the cans, knocking them over, and sticking itself into the back wall.
"Woah," The carnival game worker handed Neera the stuffed toy, who quickly handed it off to Aya.
"Eek! Thank you!" Aya squealed and hugged Neera tight, "You're the best girlfriend ever!" She giggled and squeezed Neera.
"Yeah yeah, now let's head back to the palace to get this thing out of here," Neera said, motioning towards the stuffed animal in Aya's arms. It was so big and fluffy that it blinded Aya.
"Smart!" Aya chuckled as she stepped forward, and walked right into a wall, "Ow."

Freedom Planet: Trinity (CANCELLED)
FanfictionLord Arktivus Brevon's shadow hangs over Avalice, a sense of gloom and dread fills the people of the planet. Everyone fears the day of Brevon's return. Sadly, that day has come.