"Let's do this!" Lilac dragon boosted through a crowd of Brevon drones, destroying most of them. Carol, Milla, Neera, and Aya took out the rest as they continued to charge forward. They were heading right into the ehart of Brevon's invasion force. They smashed each Brevon robot as they sprinted forward. Aya grabbed onto Neera's hand and swung her forward, launching Neera into a Brevon drone. Neera raised her leg and shattered the Brevon drone's glass dome with a swift downard kick, "HYAH!" She shouted.
Carol jumped onto one of the Ruby pads that she was oh so accustomed to, and launched herself into the air. While she was in the air, she grabbed onto one of Brevon's flying drones and threw it into another, causing them both to explode and rain down small explosives, destroying more of Brevon's drones.
"Woah!" Aya squealed as an explosive dropped right in front of her. She skidded to a halt as to not step on it.
"Watch out" Neera jumped forward and tackled Aya, rolling the two out of the way of the explosion. Once the two stopped rolling, Neera was laying on top of Aya.
"H-hi," Aya giggled, her face slightly red.
"Hi," Neera blushed as well.
Carol had stopped as well. Carol chuckled, "OOOOOOOHHH Look at them!" shel teased.
Neera quickly hopped up and went to scold Carol, "Shut up. Your reckless disregard for safety almost got Aya killed."
"Aw, look at scary lady, being so protective of her girlfriend," Carol continued to tease. It seemed that her time with the chasers had made her a little more bold.
Neera raised her frost spear and place the tip against Carol's chin, "I would suggest you shut it, before I shut it for you. She is not my girlfriend, she is an important ally, and my friend!"
"If she ain't your girlfriend, why are you so protective of her?" Carol shot back, grabbing Neera's spear and pushing it to the side, so it wasn't poking her anymore. She placed her hand on Neera's shoulder, slightly digging her claws into Neera.
Aya got up and dusted herself off, "Come on guys, killing each other isn't going to get us anywhere. We've still got to find King Dai-."
"I FOUND HIM!" It was the voice of Milla. She and Lilac had gone aheda while the others had their little spat.
Carol let go of Neera and turned towards the sound of her friends, walking over to Lilac and Milla.
Aya glanced at Neera and smiled, "Thank you," She said as she passed.
Neera grumbled and put her frost spear away. As Neera and Aya approached, they could see that Lilac, Carol, and Milla had all crowded around something. It was Dail. He looked...terrible, to put it the best way possible. He had blood running down his face, and dripping from his mouth. He had many cuts and slashes across his body. Next to him lay his sword, cracked and shattered.
"KING DAIL!" Aya screamed as she saw Dail in this state. She pushed past the others and knelt down next to him, "King Dail?" She asked, trying to get his attention, "Come on...please...please be okay," She placed her hand against his chest, and he winced, "He's really hurt."
"Duh," Carol said. Neera stared daggers at Carol.
Aya tried to ignore Carol's snide remark, "We need to get him back to the palace. They can help him," she said. She gingerly moved some of Dail's hair out of the way, and saw a large gash across his forehead, where he was bleeding from, "Yeesh...who did this?" Aya asked, looking at the wound.
Lilac looked over at Carol, "Brevon..." Lilac whispered, "We should take him back to the palace. Carol can carry him."
"What? Why do I have to carry him?" Carol asked, a look of disappointment on her face.
"Because, I said s- woah..." Lilac looked up at the sky, "Look. Brevon's ships are retreating," Lilac said, pointing up as Brevon's ships all slowly took off and flew away.
"That's it? They're just gone," Neera asked, looking back to the others.
"Good riddance, I say," Milla added.
"He's gone, good. Now come on we have to ge thim back," Aya reached down and very gingerly picked up King Dail. His body felt limp in her arms, "Gosh..please be okay."
"I'm sure he's going to be fine, let's just get him home," Neera said, placing a hand on Aya's shoulder.

Freedom Planet: Trinity (CANCELLED)
FanfictionLord Arktivus Brevon's shadow hangs over Avalice, a sense of gloom and dread fills the people of the planet. Everyone fears the day of Brevon's return. Sadly, that day has come.