Chapter Ten: Rescue Redemption

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When Neera awoke, she found herself inside the chaser mothership's medical bay. She sat up in her bed and winced in pain. She placed her hand against her forehead, feeling it throb in pain, "Ugh," She groaned.

The sound of Neera stirring awake instantly alerted the medical staff, "lady Neera!" One of the medical officers quickly scurried to her side and placed her hands onto Neera's shoulders, forcing her to lay back down in the bed, "Lady Neera, you must rest. Your injuries are really bad," The medical officer warned.

"I don't care, where am I? where is Lilac? Where's Carol?" Neera pushed the medical officer away with ease, forcing the officer to take a few steps backwards.

The officer opened their mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of the medical bay door opening and shutting.

"I can answer that," It was King Dail. He stepped into the room and up to Neera, "Lilac and Carol are just fine, you need not worry about them. You're aboard the Chaser Mothership. We're currently chasing after Brevon's armada. Thanks to a full frontal assault by Torque and the rest of the chasers, we were able to force Brevon's forces to retreat, and we-"

Dail was cut off by Neera, "What about Aya?" she groaned in pain and placed a hand against her chest, again feeling pain shoot through her body, "She betrayed us," Neera said. It really took Neera saying it aloud for it to sink in, "She...betrayed me," Neera whispered to herself.

"She betrayed nobody. From Carol and Lilac's report, it seems that she might have been brainwashed by Brevon's...snatcher," even just the name sent a shiver down Dail's spine. He hated knowing what Aya had to go through. The agonizing pain as a sharp needle punctured your skin, feeling the intense pressure in your head, the pain shooting through your body. Dail shuddered at the thought. He could tell that Neera was upset about this. So he tried to comfort her, "We're going to get her back. That's why we're chasing after Brevon. Milla, Lilac, and I are going to mount a rescue operation to get Aya back, and to hopefully stop Brevon."

"I'm coming too," Neera said, getting out of the bed and standing eye to eye with Dail.

"You can't. You're far too weak, and I fear that you've got a little too much emotion put into this one," Dail said, lightly stepping forward, to try and assert some sort of dominance over the situation.

Neera stepped forward and put her pointer finger against Dail's chest, "I'm going. If Aya truly is brainwashed, then I will find a way to save her," Neera pushed Dail out of the way and stepped out of the medical bay.

Dail sighed and glanced over to the medical officer, "Thank you," he said before following behind Neera out to the main deck.

On the deck of the mothership stood the entire group, and a few random Chasers. Torque stood at the head of the room, looking back at the rest of his allies, "We're approaching Brevon's ship. His energy shields are still up, but we've got two Chasers on the inside, about to shut them down. Here, I'll bring up the feed. Torque pressed a button on the main console, and the large screen above him displayed a camera feed. On the other side, there was a dark gray and red cat, wearing a black jacket with red highlights.

"This is Sabre, can y'all hear me?" The cat asked, who's name was now known as Sabre.

"Yes we can hear you Sabre, go ahead," Torque said, everyone in the room watching the screen attentively.

"Sweet. Crimson and I have infiltrated the energy shield generator room. We're trying to disable it now," Sabre said.

As Crimson was mentioned, Carol leaned over to Lilac and nudged her with her elbow, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Shut up," Lilac hissed, lightly pushing Carol and giggling.

Dail gave both of them a glare, which shut them up.

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