"All forces, charge!" The voice of Torque echoed through the air as the Chaser forces surged forward. Aya, Neera, King Dail, Lilac, Carol, and Milla all stood atop the Chaser command ship as they flew above Shang-Mu. Shang-Mu had been under attack from Brevon's forces, and Mayor Zao had called for help. The chasers, and what was left of the Shang-Tu army was dispatched to help.
"Brevon's been sitting idly by for the past three months, and only now is he attacking Shang-Mu? What is he doing?" Neera said, putting her hand to her chin and thinking for a moment. That was, until the voice of General Serpentine interrupted her train of thought.
"TCHYAHAHAHAHAAAA! SHANG-MU WILL BE OURS!" He screamed as his personal ship circled around the Chaser command ship.
Aya gritted her teeth and pulled her Laser Cannon off of her back. She took a few steps backwards.
"Aya, what are you doing?" King Dail asked, nervously watching his royal guard.
"I'm taking him down!" Aya yelled as she planted her feet, and charged forward. She leaped off the side of the Chaser command ship, right towards Serpentine's ship. As she fell towards it, she raised her laser cannon and fired a few plasma bolts, trying to do some damage before landing on it's wing. As she landed, she pulled back her laser cannon and bashed it into the hull of the ship, denting it heavily.
"Well...you chose one heck of of a girlfriend," Carol said, taking steps backwards and following after Aya, jumping off the edge and onto Serpentine's ship.
"Milla, Dail, stay here, man the cannons, we've got some business to take care of," Neera ordered, pulling her frost spear off her back and spinning it in her hand, "We'll be back soon," She frosted the ship hull in front of her and skidded off, jumping into the air and landing on the hull of Serpentine's ship.
Lilac followed last, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon!" She said as she ran and jumped off the side of the Chaser command ship and dragon boosted onto Serpentine's warship.
Just as everyone had landed safely on Serpentine's war vessel, an alarm sounded, and multiple panels slid away, revealing Brevon troops, all armed with weapons. Aya raised her laser cannon and fired a few plasma bolts, taking down one of the troops. Neera raised her frost spear and fired a few ice shards at the troops.
Lilac slid into one's legs and tripped it up. She grabbed onto it's leg and through it into the air. While it hovered in air for a moment, Lilac jumped up and swung at it, "CYCLONE!" She yelled, using her hair as a whip and destroying the Brevon robot.
After clearing off the ship, General Serpentine's voice shouted, "You are like ants, attacking a titan! YOU STAND NO CHANCE!". As he screamed, the ship began to roll, flipping onto it's side. Everyone lost balance and began to slide. Lilac and Carol grabbed onto railing's as they fell, catching themselves, now secure.
Aya and Neera continued to slide, "Woah woah woah woah!" Aya couldn't find anything to grab onto as she slid. Neera reached down and grabbed onto Aya's hand, before grabbing onto a nearby railing and keeping them both secure.
"Come here," Neera lifted Aya up and helped her get secure as well, "You're heavy," Neera smiled.
"I-I know," Aya blushed and tried to cover her face with her free hand.
"You're cute when you're embarrassed" Neera smiled and left a soft kiss on Aya's cheek, "Now let's kick this guy's butt back into orbit," Neera said, climbing along the railing until she got to one of the panels that the Brevon troops had come out of. The two climbed into the ship and crawled through the interior, before kicking out a vent and dropping into a hallway.
Aya pulled her Laser Cannon off her back and raised it as the two walk. Neera held her frost spear in her hands. The two walked through the corridor slowly, back to back, ready, "Where are the troops, I'd expect a few more than...nothing," Aya asked as she continued to walk backwards.
"I'm not sure...stay alert," Neera said, her knuckles a fleshy white as she held onto her spear. A sudden crashing sound from above alerted the two. Aya and Neera separated and both aimed their respective weapons at the vent in the ceiling.
"Hey, watch it!" The voice of Carol squealed.
"You watch it!" Lilac said, just as the vent in the ceiling gave out and the wildcat and water dragon fell out and onto the ground, "Ow," Lilac groaned as she stood up.
"Will you two quit messing about?" Neera said, frowning at the two, "We've got a mission to finish."
"Oh, like you and Aya haven't been smooching for the past twenty minutes," Carol said, standing up and dusting herself off. Lilac swatted the back of her head, "Ow! Hey! What was that for?"
Lilac rolled her eyes and sighed, "Whatever, let's move out!" She pushed past Carol and Neera and went to charge off, before being grabbed by Neera.
"Hold on, we should split up. Lilac and I can go take care of Serpentine, Carol and Aya, you two get to the ship's engine core and destroy it. Here," Neera pulled out a few ear pieces, "Radios. To keep in contact," She tossed the ear pieces to every member, until everyone had one, "Good luck, team."
Aya nodded, "Please, be safe," She said, holding onto Neera's hand for just a second, "Please, you have to come back to me," She said.
"I promise you, I will be back," Neera smiled and leaned forward, pressing her forehead against Aya's.
The two pulled away from each other and went off in their separate directions, "Come on Carol, let's go," Aya said, waving for Carol to follow her. The two sprinted off towards the engine room, ready to take down this ship, no matter the cost.

Freedom Planet: Trinity (CANCELLED)
FanfictionLord Arktivus Brevon's shadow hangs over Avalice, a sense of gloom and dread fills the people of the planet. Everyone fears the day of Brevon's return. Sadly, that day has come.