22: Double Trouble

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Word Count: 3.2 K

Trigger warning: sexual harassment

This oneshot I had planned since 2019 but didn't get a chance that's why no tattoos are mentioned here.

This oneshot I had planned since 2019 but didn't get a chance that's why no tattoos are mentioned here

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"Kookie!" The five years old turned to his female friend. "How many times I have told you, you guys cannot fool me!" Y/N said with her hands on her hips while she looked at the other boy who was avoiding her gaze.

"Byeonnie, it was your idea, wasn't it???" She pointed her finger accusingly at the one who was staring at her.

"But Kookie said you wouldn't know!" He said in his defense wiping his nose with his dirty hands. "Mum sometimes can't tell us apart, so i thought you might as well..." the boy told her finally looking at her.

"You two need to understand that I know which one is you with my eyes closed!" Y/N told the twins off one last time

"Anyways, let's go! Byul is waiting for us on the swings!" Y/N said grabbing both of their hands and pulling them to the other side of playground.


"You both seriously need to stop this!" Y/N whispered yelled when she saw the twins exchanged styles. Jungkook was wearing leather jacket while Byeonkook was wearing a flannel. "Oh, come on!" Byeonkook threw his hands up in defeat. "How can you always tell us apart???" Jungkook asked as Byul made Byeonkook do spins to see his full attire 

"You can say that I have a favourite twin," Y/N winked at him and laughed amused at his expressions.


"Before announcing the Queenka and King, I would like to say something to my very good bestfriends," the dimly lit auditorium started clapping when the spot light fell at the front row at Byul and the twins after Y/N let those words out.

"Firstly, Byul, you look absolutely gorgeous. Making me regret being straight!" Byul laughed knowing well that making homosexual comments was a part of Y/N's personality. "And to the only two guys that I have known since we all were in diapers, Jungkook, Byeonkook, please exchange your corsage cause you may have fooled everyone tonight, but you ain't fooling me! Idiots!" Y/N whispered the insult staring at the surprised expression of the twins and the gasps and mumbles from the kids.

"Just how on earth can you tell us apart!" Byeonkook asked frustrated once she was down the stage after the ceremony. "Didn't i tell you, Byeonnie, I have a favourite twin!" Y/N shrugged pulling Byul to the dance floor.

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