10: The Little Obsessor (Request)

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Requested by: guggiegurl
Request: When his daughter is really possessive of him?

I apologise I had written this the same night you had requested but I fell ill and haven't been well since. Still, I wanted to update this asap.

Love you!

Word count: 600

"Baby, say mama! Say mama!" Y/N tried for the nth time with tge same fond smile she had when she first held her child

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"Baby, say mama! Say mama!" Y/N tried for the nth time with tge same fond smile she had when she first held her child.
"Bbabbbaaa!" The baby blabbered playing with her fists sucking on her thumbs.

"No, say mama!" Y/N asked pulling her hands away from her mouth. "Come on, say mama!!" Y/N asked slightly disappointed about the fact that she's the one who has been taking care of the baby throughout the day yet the little one responds to her father more than her mother.

"Babbbaaa!" The baby rocked her hands and feet laughing at the face her mother had made.

"Hahaha!" Y/N turned to the direction where the sound of the laughter came finding the love of her life leaning against the door frame of the room.

"Kookah!" Y/N left everything, even her baby, to sprint towards her husband who embraced her the second their bodies collided. She felt Jungkook take in a big breath from her neck as he let out a sigh of contentment. "You missed me that much?" Y/N asked cockily yet feeling happy about it. "So so much!" Jungkook nodded his head as he mumbled into her neck.

"Babbbaaaaaa!" Jungkook laughed moving away from his wife hearing his baby girl call out to him.

"I'm coming to you, baby! Let me greet my wife first!" Jungkook was about to take Y/N back into a hug but stopped when he witnessed his baby rolling on the bed to get to him. He moved so quickly to catch the baby who had gotten so close to the edge that Y/N thought he had seen a spider.

"Oh my! Baby! Just when did you get here!" Y/N scolded her child in  worry as the little monster nibbled on her father's nose holding him by his cheeks. "She must have missed you too much!" Y/N giggled at the endearing view.

She walked over to the father and daughter and climbed on top of Jungkook's back hugging him. Jungkook had the widest smile when he turned his face to the side. The way his bobba eyes glimmered with so much love and affection for his beloved had Y/N fall in love with him again.
Jungkook's eyes flickered between Y/N's eyes and lips and the woman knowing her husband well, slipped a bit to the side and placed her lips on his.

Jungkook almost lifted his hand to take her face in his hands but he was conscious of the fact that his child was still under him and could suffocate from both of her parent's weights.

The couple had just started enjoying the lovely moment which cake to an abrupt end when the baby tangled her fist in Y/N's hair and yanked it away.

Y/N shrieked and Jungkook immediately helped unweave the hair from the tiny human's fingers. The little devil, the second she felt her father's hands on her own, started laughing and opening her mouth to kiss him too.
Jungkook giggled and pecked his child on her nose and the chin.
Y/N soothed her scalp with the tipof her fingers at the part where her hair was pulled from.

"She's so obsessed with you!" Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.

"I wonder who she takes after!" Jungkook side eyed Y/N. Her mouth dropped in disbelief but she couldn't refute knowing well that the baby was the carbon copy of her mother. And she loved her father almost as much as her mother loved him.


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