1. A new assistant?

900 11 24

Changbins POV

I sigh as I slam the door behind me. This bitch isn't serious right now. Another assistant that just wanted to get in my pants. I should really start looking for someone who takes this job seriously. 

I sit down on the big ass chair, behind my desk.

I look out of my window, that gives a perfect view of Seoul, as my office is on the thirtheenth floor. I own the biggest company in Seoul, so I guess that comes with a big building. 

My phone lights up, making me look at it. I sigh when I realise it's just a message hat's not interesting. When I suddenly hear a knock from my office door, I look up from my phone.

'Come in.' I say, my face showing no emotion. Mr. Lee walks in, with a cup of tea, like always around 3 pm. I smile as he walks in. He places the cup of tea on my desk, and bows, making me flash a grin. 'I hope it suits your taste, sir.' Mr. Lee says, bowing again. 'Thank you Felix, but you can just call me Changbin.' I say, but Felix shakes his head. 'I know sir, but please I can't drop my formalities.' Felix says, bowing for the third time. I roll my eyes, this kid is impossible. 

Felix walks out of my office, closing the door behind him. I take the cup of tea, and take a sip. I hum at the flavour, Felix always knows what I like the best. 

I open my laptop and look over some E-mails I got. One being about my assistant. Well- ex-assistant. I just kicked her out. I should probably put up a new ad about it. I begin to type on my laptop, losing track of time.


I yawn when I wake up from my alarm. I sit up, and rub my eyes. I hear a groan from the other room, the walls being thin. I chuckle lowly, knowing how my best friend, Jisung hates mornings. 

I get out of bed, and quickly take a shower. I look through my closet for some nice clothes. It would be a warm day, so I decided to go with denim shorts, and a pastel yellow T-shirt. I smile at myself in the mirror. I walk out of the bathroom, seeing Jisung wait there impatiently. 'Fucking finally.' Is the only thing he says, before walking into the bathroom, and locking the door behind him.

I grin. It's just how he is in the mornings. I've been living with that dude for 4 years now, I know how to handle him. He's normally a sweetheart. 

I walk to the kitchen, to make some breakfast for me and Jisung. I bake some eggs, and toast some bread. Jisung comes out of the bathroom eventually, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. He smiles as he sees I made breakfast. 

'Thank you Y/N.' He says, flashing me a smile in the form of a heart. I nod and smile back at him. 'Ofcourse Jisung, you know i'd do anything for my best friend.' I say teasingly. Jisung rolls his eyes, but grins right after.

After we're done with eating, I notice Jisung is wearing a very formal dress up shirt, with a tie. I raise an eyebrow at him. 'What?' He asks. 'Your outfit. Where are you going?' He shrugs. 'I have to talk with my boss.' He says. I hum.

'I should really start looking for a job too.' I sigh. Jisung chuckles. 'Just look online, there are so many people looking for workers or assistants. It's so easy.' Jisung says, making me sigh again.

'I know that, there just aren't much jobs I'd actually like to do!' I say, making Jisung roll his eyes. 'Just look around, maybe you'll find something.' Jisung says, standing up.

'Well, I got to go now. Good luck searching for that job!' He says. I nod and thank him. 'Have a good talk with your boss, don't get fired.' I say, making him grin. 'My boss would never fire me.' He says, before walking away.

I start to clean the kitchen a bit. It was normally like this, me being jobless and cleaning the house, and Jisung working daily, and paying the rent.

After I cleaned the kitchen, I go to the livingroom, sitting down on the couch. I open my phone and start to look online for jobs close to home.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now