2. The interview

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Double update because I don't want to leave you guys hanging with one chapter 

XX Aeris <3

Siri play Love Me Like This by NMIXX for girlgroup Changbin

I wake up by my alarm, Jisung stirring in my arms. 'Goodmorning.' He says, rubbing his eyes, slowly sitting up. 'Goodmorning.' I say, stretching. 'You can wash up first, I want to sleep some more, I'm free today.' Jisung says, laying back down onto the bed. I smile and nod. Not that he could see that or anything.

I get out of bed, and grab the clothes I layed down yesterday night. I walk to my closet after, grabbing underwear and a bra. I walk into the bathroom after.

I look into the mirror and gasp. Oh God. I forgot to take off my make-up yesterday. My face looks like a mess. I quickly grab my make-up remover and wipe off everything. 

I then take off my pyjamas, and turn on the shower. I quickly shower, rinsing my hair and body. 

I step out of the shower, and dry myself with the towel I put down for myself, before slipping into my underwear and bra. I look at myself in the mirror and frown a little. I hate that my body looks weird, compared to other girls. 

I put on my pants and lastly my turtleneck. I look fine like this, it's formal, but nothing to classy. I walk back into my room, seeing Jisung laying on my bed with his eyes closed. Judging from the snores I hear, he's sleeping again. I grab the jewelry and put them on. I smile and walk back into the bathroom, to do my make-up.

After 20 minutes I'm done with my hair and make-up. It's also formal, but nothing to much. A light concealer, with mascara, and a little bit of gray eyeshadow, while my hair is tied back into a high ponytail, but with a few hairs hanging out at the front. 

I walk to the kitchen, quickly making a small breakfast for myself and Jisung. Because let me tell you, when he tries to cook, he's really burning the whole apartment down. 

I place Jisungs breakfast into the fridge, and stick a sticky note on the fridge. 

'I'm away for my interview but I made you breakfast, Love you <3'

I quickly eat my breakfast, before looking at the clock. It's almost 10.30 am. Which means I need to leave now, I don't want to be late to my interview.

I grab my bag, before leaving the house, my heels clicking on the ground. It's about a 15 minute walk, so that's fine, and I will still be 15 minutes early. 

After the 15 minute walk, I'm met with a huge building. 'Seo' is written in big white letters on the front of the building, a few inched above the entrance. I smile as I walk inside, wanting to look my best.

I greet the lady thats behind the desk. 'Hello, I'm Y/N, I'm here for the interview.' I say, bowing at her. She smiles at me. 'Hello! It's so nice to meet you! My name is Momo!' Momo quickly stands up, to bow at me too. 'Follow me!' She says, before walking to the elevator. 

She steps in, and I follow her. She is wearing a black dress, but it's not revealing at all. It has long sleeves, and the bottom reaches her knees. 'Your dress is really pretty.' I say, making momo smile. 'Thank you! Your outfit is gorgeous as well!' She says, flashing me a smile. 

Momo clicks the button of the thirteenth floor. My eyes widen. 'It's that high up?' I let out on accident. Momo beings to laugh. 'Yes actually, does it make you feel uncomfortable?' She asks, making me smile at her concern. 'No, not at all. I'm just amazed.' I say.

When we arrive at the thirteenth floor, and the doors open, my eyes widen again. Jesus. 

I feel underdressed. It's really classy and formal. The walls are a light gray, while the floor is made of very light wood. It's beautiful though. 'You'll first have to do an interview with Mr. Lee and Mr. Yang. They are very close to Mr. Seo, so they will decide if you can go on to the next interview with Mr. Seo himself.' Momo explain to me, and I nod.

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