11. Playing a game

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If I'm being honest with myself, I don't know how the fuck it happened. But I just realised. I did fall in love with my boss. Seo Changbin.

This morning I woke up, with everything but a will to go to work. I have to face him. And yes, I told myself everything will be alright. But somewhere I know that's not going to work. 

I got up with a lot of struggles, but it's fine. I grab some decent clothes from my closet and walk to my bathroom after. Laying de clothes down on the counter before turning on the water. I quickly take off my pyjamas and step under the hot water. 

I let it run over my body, exhaling in relief. This feels nice. 

After showering for a few minutes, I get out and dry my body. I put on the clothes I layed down for myself and look in the mirror after. It's a nice outfit. It's a black turtle neck sweater, with white pants and a beige coat. I quickly apply some light make-up on my face. Just to hide the big dark circles under my eyes, because yes, I barely slept. 

I guess I was to nervous to sleep or something. I hope Changbin won't notice.

I go downstairs, to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. I look up as I hear bare feet coming down the stairs. 'Goodmorning.' I hear a demon voice behind me. I chuckle as I realise it's just Felix' morning voice.

'Goodmorning Lix. Slept well?' I ask, turning around with the plate. 'Yeah I slept well, what about you?' He asks, starting to make a sandwich as well.  'I slept well, thanks.' I say, smiling.

I place the plate with the sandwich down on the kitchentable, and sit down after. I start to eat, and not many seconds later, Felix sits down next to me, also starting to eat his sandwich.

'Ready to face Changbin today?' He suddenly asks, making me groan. 'I'll take that as a no.' Felix says, making me nod. 'I mean, kinda, but yes, but also no.' I say, making Felix laugh. 'Understandable.' He says, taking another bite from his sandwich. 

Felix is dressed in his usual work clothes, a white button up shirt with black trousers. It looks good on him. 

After we both ate our sandwiches, we wash the plates together. Laughing at each other as we splash some water on the ground. 

After having so much fun with Felix, my tensed state is a bit gone. But the moment I step into Felix' car to go to work, it's back. I sit up straight, not being able to relax.

Felix also sits down and starts the car. 'I just want you to know, you got this. Okay?' Felix says, placing his hand on my knee, in a comforting way. I smile a little at his words. 'Everything will be okay. Changbin might be more scared than you are.' Felix says. I exhale slowly. 'Thanks Felix.' I say, and he smiles as he starts to drive away.

Every minute in the carride, my heart starts to beat faster and faster. What the hell am I going to say to him? What is he going to say to me? Send help A.S.A.P.!!!

The carride is shorter than I would like it to be. After like 15 minutes we already arrive at the big ass building. Felix parks the car and gets out, looking at me as I follow his actions, also getting out. I stand next to him, looking at the building. 

My knees get a little weak, and not in a good way. 'You're going to be okay.' Felix says, taking my hand in his. 'I promise.' He says, and I smile weakly. 

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now