10. Fuck.

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Siri play 'Go Big Or Home' From Enhypen because it's literally playing on loop in my head

No. Fuck.

He's coming this way.

Absolutely not. If there is anything I don't need right now, it's fucking Changbin. he hurt me enough. 

I immediately turn back around and walk away, towards the toilets. If I hide in the woman toilets he can't go in there. It's bad enough that I need to face him sometimes at work.

I open a stall door and quickly go inside, locking it from the inside.

Felix' POV

My blood is literally fucking boiling as I see him making his way towards us. He's really getting on my fucking nerves right now. How fucking dare he?

I turn to Jisung and see he's not doing much better. Both him and Minho are looking at the short male with an angry expression on their faces. 

I saw Y/N running towards the toilets, and if I'm being honest. I don't blame her. Changbin was a dick. 

'Hey Felix!' Changbin says, like nothing happened. Seriously? He's going to act like nothing fucking happened? 

I scoff and turn away from him. 'Uhh- Felix?' I roll my eyes and turn back to him.

'Don't you think you've done enough damage?' I say, looking him straight in the eyes. He tilts his head. 'Uhh, I don't know what you're talking about.' He says. I scoff again. For fucks sake. 

'The whole Y/N thing?' Jisung says, jumping into the conversation. Changbin looks even more confused. 'I mean- I heard she was in danger last night, but that's all I heard.' Changbin says. Jisung stares at him with his doe eyes wide open, an angry expression on his face.

'Are you serious right now? You hurt her so fucking much you asshole!' Jisung says. 'Jisung calm down.' Chan says. Jisung looks at Chan and raises one of his eyebrows. 'You don't tell me what to do Chan.' 

Right. Jisung knows Chan. They make music together sometimes. 

'I seriously don't know what I did wrong guys.' Changbin says. 'Maybe try to find that out first.' Minho finally says something. Changbin looks at Minho and his eyes narrow. 'If it isn't Lee Minho.' Changbin says.

'Stop being a bitch about the past. Grow up.' Minho snaps. 'This is about Y/N, but the moment you see me you're trying to get me down. But boy that's not happening.' Minho says. 

Changbin looks at me after. 'What happened with Y/N? And what do you guys mean with the Y/N thing?' I scoff again.

'Are you serious right now Changbin? Because I fucking am. I'm seriously angry with you! How could you fucking do that to Y/N! How could she possibly work for you now!'

Changbin seems to get even more confused. 'I seriously don't know what you're talking about! Just fucking tell me!' He yells. 

'You made out with Y/N last night! On your fucking party! And suddenly, later on the night, you make your way around with hickeys on your neck! From a different woman! Do you know how much that hurt her!' I yell at him.

I know people are looking at us, but honestly I can't care less. I'm literally seeing white from anger. I'm shaking, trying to stay still.

Changbins mouth shuts, and he stares at the ground. 'Did I really do that? I have a complete blackout I can't remember anything that happened last night. The only thing I remember is the last hour maybe.' He says.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now