8. Sigh

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'Should we do this?' I whispered against his lips. They form into a small smirk. 'I don't know, should we?' He asks, grinning. He starts to walk away, but I grab his wrists, pulling him back.

'I'm your boss, you're my assistant.' He whispers. I nod. 'I know.' I say. 'Fuck it.' He whispers under his breath, before slamming his lips onto mine. 

The moment our lips touch, my hands go to his hair, grabbing it. He bites my lip making me let out a sound. 

Holy fuck. I am literally kissing with my boss, the CEO of a company. 

No. I shouldn't do this! This is so wrong, but it feels so good.

His hands go to my waist and he squeezes it, making me whine. Changbin pulls away from the kiss and looks at me. 'You're so pretty.' He says. I pant, looking at him. The dark blush still very visable on his face.

I smile lightly. He's drunk, he doesn't mean this kiss anyways. 

'We shouldn't do this Changbin, you know this is wrong. It was just the heat of the moment.' I say, looking down at the floor. I hear a gasp and look up at him. 'So you're saying this is a mistake?' He asks. I sigh. 'I don't know.' I all I can say. Changbin scoffs lightly.

'So you kiss me? But after it you tell me its a mistake?'

I look down again. 'It's just.. You're my boss. I'm just your assistant.' I say.

Changbin groans. 'Fuck all of that.' He says, making me shake my head. 'You know we can't do that.' 

'So you wouldn't kiss me again if I asked you to?' He asks. I look up to him in shock. 'What?' 'You heard me.' I can feel my cheeks heat up.

I can't form words, so I leave his question unanswered. Changbin scoffs and lets go off me. 'Fine, go back to Felix.' He says, before walking out of the room. 

I sigh. Yes. Of course I would want to kiss him again. I may or may not have formed a small crush on the man. But we just can't! He's my boss! What would everyone think?

I try to calm down a little, before walking back to the big room where the party is going on. I need some fucking alcohol right now. I quickly walk to the bar, seeing the familiar blonde guy with freckles in the corner of my eyes, but I ignore him.

I take the first cup and chug it all down in one go, not caring what's inside. I cough a little. Alcohol has never been my thing, but I feel like I need it right now.

'What do you think you're doing?' I turn around at the deep voice behind me and see Felix. 'Y/N, why are you drinking?' He asks in a worried tone. 'Something happened.' I slur. Felix sighs and takes my hand. 

'Y/N, please don't drink more.' He says. I look up at him and sigh. He's probably right. I shouldn't drink so much. I look him in the eyes and nod. 'I won't drink more, I promise.' I say, making Felix smile. 'Good, now come dance with me.' He says, dragging me back to the dance floor.

I giggle but let him lead me to the dancefloor. My worries far gone the moment Felix starts to swing his body with mine. 

He places his hands on my waist once again, and also this time I let him. But my intentions may be different than before. I may or may not want to make someone jealous.

I look around, for a short man, with raven hair. But he's literally nowhere to be spotted. 'Y/N, everything okay? You're not paying much attention to me.' Felix says, pouting. I chuckle. 'Sorry Lixie, I was looking for someone.' I say.

Felix hums and smirks. 'A certain Seo Changbin I assume?' Felix ask. I choke on my own saliva and look at him smirking at me. 'Don't think I didn't see him grab you and drag you somewhere else. You weren't long away, so I don't think you fucked, but you definitely kissed or made out.' Felix blurts out.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now