9. What happened?

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I wake up on the couch. What the hell? My head hurt so badly and I don't even remember getting home. How the hell did I get home?

'Did you wake up?' Jisung walks towards me with a glass in his hands. 'Here, drink this.' He gives me the glass, I sit up and I chug down the water. 'Do you want any pain killer?' Jisung asks, looking at me. I shake my head, but wince after, the headache getting worse.

'Maybe you should take one, just to be sure.' Jisung says, walking back to the kitchen to get some ibuprofen. 

He comes back and gives them to me. 'Thank you Jisung.' 'Do you remember anything that happened last night? I called with Felix after you passed out in the car, so I know a lot but not everything.' Jisung says, sitting down next to me.

'Uhm, I remember making out with Changbin.' I say, my cheeks flushing. 'But I also remember him kissing another woman, not even 30 minutes after me.' Jisung grins, but the grin quickly falls after hearing the second thing.

'You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding.' Jisung says. I sigh, and shake my head no. 'I wish I was.' I say, looking at Jisungs angry face. 'I swear I will go to his company in person and I will smack him so hard- He will ac-' 'Jisung.' He looks at me, and his face relaxes.

'I'm sorry Y/N, It just makes me so angry!' I sigh but continue after that. 'I remember running away, and some guys that wanted to take me home with them, but someone saved me. I can't remember who.'

Jisung still looks angry. 'I can't believe some men are like that! Like what the fuck! If I were straight I would never do something like that!' He says angrily. I place my hand on his arm to calm him down a little. 

'Relax. It happened. There is nothing you can do about it now.' Jisung sighs but listens and calms down a little. 'I'm sorry Y/N.' He says. 

'I'm glad you're okay atleast.' Jisung says, making me crack a smile. 'I'm okay, aside from that headache.' I say, recieving a chuckle in response.

'Do you want me to stay with you the rest of the day?' Jisung asks. I smile and nod. 'Yes please. Can you invite Felix too? We could have a shopping day today.' I suggest. 

Jisung nods smiling. 'Of course! Let me call him quickly, okay?' He says, grabbing his phone and standing up to call Felix.

I stay on the couch, waiting for Jisung to return. 

A few minutes later he comes back. 'Hey Y/N. Minho just texted me, can I invite him too?' Jisung asks. I smile. 'You can, but please just keep it down.' I say and Jisung immediately smiles. 'Of course. Felix is already on his way.' Jisung says. 

Jisung quickly calls Minho. He's still on the phone with his boyfriend as the bell rings. I sigh and stand up, ignoring my headache. It's probably Felix.

I open the door and see Felix. 'Come in!! We're going shopping today!!' 

Changbins POV A few hours earlier

I groan as I wake up, looking around my bedroom. How the fuck did I get home? No idea to be honest. Fucking hell, I drank way to much.

I try to think back of yesterday. I only remember the last half of the night. I rub my temples, trying to think back what happened. 

Y/N. She was in danger. I heard Felix say something about that. Fuck, I don't think I even helped them! They're all my employees!!

I groan again. Great Changbin, just great. You can't even help your own employees. 

At least I didn't hurt anyone. I just didn't help. 

I stand up and walk to my kitchen. Fuck. I need some painkillers. My head is abolutely killing me right now. I sigh and open the cabinet, taking some pain killers and taking them with some water.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now