7. Staff Party

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I yawn as I wake up. It's been a few days since Momo and Felix reminded me of the staff party, and finally tonight is the party.

It's saturday, which means I don't have to work. Jisung is at Minho's, so I have some time for myself.

I quickly dress in some sweatpants and a simple plain white T-shirt. I go to the kitchen making some breakfast for myself and go through social media.

After I ate, I sit down on the couch. There is not much I can do today. Jisung is not here, and the party doesn't start 'till 8 pm.

I just turn on the television and rewatch one of my favourite Netflix series. (Abyss is a really good one)

After I literally rewatched the whole thing it's 3 pm. Much time left for me to get ready.

I quickly check my phone and smile when I see I have 3 messages. 2 from Jisung and 1 from Yunho. I open Yunho's message first.


Hey Y/N! I was kinda wondering if you maybe would like to go out tomorrow?

I sigh. I promised Felix to go to the mall with him. Well, I promised him, so no going back now.

Heyy! Sorry but I can't go :(
I have plans with a friend

A boyfriend?

Nope. just a friend

I'm jealous

Haha, don't be


I smile at the messages and then click on Jisungs contact.


Hey Bubs, need help getting ready?

If you do, text me x

Hey Ji, if you want to, yes please

You do my make-up so much better than I do

Ofcourse I do

I'm awesome

Yea yea, just get your ass here

Yes Ma'am 🫡

I laugh as I put my phone away. I should probably already get dressed, so that's exactly what I do.

I walk to my bedroom and put on the clothes Jisung picked out for me.

The black pants with white stars fit my waist perfectly. I put on the white top and smile a little. My white bra is slightly seeable, but nothing to wild.

I kinda like it actually. It makes me feel pretty. Even though it shows a lot belly button and boob. I feel pretty comfortable. And the fabric is also amazing!

I smile. Jisung did do a really good job choosing this outfit! I stare at myself in the mirror as I hear the front door open, signalling Jisung is home.

I can hear his footsteps get closer, and he finally opens the door of my bedroom door. To my surprise he's not alone. Felix is with him, making me crack a smile.

Jisungs mouth falls open as he sees me wearing the outfit. 'Girl, you look hot. If I were straight I'd do you.' Jisung says. I fake gag, but smile.

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