6. A party?

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Okay soo!! If you didn't know, I have another fanfic of Hyunjin. (If you haven't read that one yet go do it, it's finished) But I got a lot love from one person and I just think I have to tag them to show my love for readers who support me so much.

@Th3_Princ3ss Thank you so much for your support on the story!! 😭😭😭😭 ❤️❤️


I've been working for Changbin for quite a while now. Almost 3 weeks to be exact.

It's been really nice! He still is the big softie, and we get along fine.

He's only my boss so we don't talk much. Everything we talk about it work related, so I barely know anything about him, but I'm fine with that.

He's just my boss after all.

Currently I'm sitting in my office, behind my desk. I finally decorated the place a bit. A lot of pictures on the wall behind me.

Pictures of me and family or friends. A few with Yunho, because we've been getting along really well!

Felix is one of my best friends now. It's crazy how fast that went. I feel like I've known Felix my whole life. He always gets me coffee in the morning and we gossip about stuff.

I look at Changbins schedule of the day. He has an online meeting late today, and an important lunch with a different company.

I make a mental note to remind him of that. I stand up and head towards his office, deciding to clean his office again.

I knock on the door, but when there comes no answer I realise he's not inside.

I open the door and immediately walk to the right, where all the cleaning stuff is.

Changbins office is kinda boring if I'm being honest. There is little to no decorating, but it's not my place to judge.

I quickly start to clean his office, hoping to be done before he comes back. It's always so awkward when I'm cleaning and he suddenly walks in.

After like 30 minutes I'm done with cleaning. I'm doing it so much that I know what to do easily.

I sit back down behind my desk, staring at the background of my lockscreen.
It's a picture of my cat that passed away a year ago.

I almost didn't notice Changbin walking in. 'Hello Y/N.' He says, smiling while walking towards his office. 'Good afternoon Changbin.' I say.

He walks into his office and shuts the door behind him.

This is what happens a lot. We only say hi and thats it. Nothing more than that. It's kinda awkward not going to lie, but I'll manage.

The workday ends fast. I grab my bag and say goodbye to Changbin. He simply hums, making me frown just a little. Can't he just say bye?

I walk to Felix' office and knock. I'm met with his freckeled face when the door opens. He flashes me a grin. 'Hey Y/N! I'm almost done!' He says, walking back into his office grabbing some stuff.

2 minutes later he's standing beside me again. 'Let's go!' He says, taking my hand. We walk to the elevator together and we go down.

'Hey Y/N! Hey Felix!' Momo says, the moment we arrive at the first floor. We both say hi back to her.

'So are you two coming to the staff party this weekend?' Momo asks, her eyes wide. Felix shrugs. 'I don't know yet.' He says. 'What? We have a party this weekend?' I ask, making both Felix and Momo let out a chuckle.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now