14. A traumatizing date

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Hey guys, sorry it's taking me so long to make and update these chapters. I've been really busy with school at the moment. And also my mental health isn't really great. It's ups and downs a lot. 

I hope you guy will understand that I prioritize my mental health above my books. 

Anyways I hope you will like the next few chapters!! <33

XX Aeris 

After a drive of 30 minutes, just like he said, we arrive at the amusement park. It's very empty, some people walk to the entrance, but there won't be a lot people in the park.

That's normal, considering it's a normal wednesday today, and most people need to work or go to school. 

Changbin grabs my hand and holds it as we walk to the woman who's checking our tickets. He quickly grabs his phone and shows the tickets he bought. 

'You already bought the tickets?' I ask him. He looks at me with a smile. 'Yup, I already did that.' He says. I grin as we walk into the park.

I look around, because holy damn. It's been so long since I've been to a amusement park. 'So want to go on that rollercoaster?' I ask, pointing at a very high rollercoaster. Changbin looks at me with wide eyes.

'What, don't tell me you're scared of rollercoasters.' I tease him. He looks at me and then I realise he's serious. 'Wait, you're really scared of rollercoasters?' I ask  and he nods softly.

'I'm actually terrified of them.' He admits, making me giggle. 'It's okay! We don't have to go on the big and scary rides. We can also just enjoy our time together in the slower rides.' I say, smiling.

Changbin exhales slowly. 'Thanks Y/N.' He looks at me and lets a small smile play on his face. 'Shall we go on this ride first?' I ask him, pointing at a slower ride.

It's a very simple ride. You sit down in some cart and it takes you around beautiful places, like a garden, a castle all sort of magical like places. It's a very slow and family friendly ride. I think it's perfect for Changbin.

'Yeah sure, let's do that.' He says, making me smile and lead the way. I quickly walk to the entrance of the queue line. I walk inside  and Changbin follows behind me. 

Even the queue is beautiful, the queue is build in the inside of a castle. It's honestly so pretty.

 Looking behind me I'm not the only one who thinks it's pretty. Changbin is looking around him with big eyes. 'You like it?' I ask him and he immediately looks at me.

'Like it? I love it! It looks so magical!' He says, and I swear I can see a twinkle in his eyes. I take his hand in mine again and pull him with me to the ride itself.

There are a few people in front of us, and it only takes about 5 minutes before it's finally our turn to get on the ride. 

We carefully sit down, Changbins hand still holding mine. 'Are you scared?' I ask him, but he shakes his head with a smile. 'No, I just really love holding your hand. It reminds me that you're mine.' He says, smiling.

My heart melts at his words. 'Aw Changbin.' I say, giving his hand a small squeeze. 

Suddenly the cart starts to move forwards, to closed doors. But the moment we're closer to the doors, they open. 

The cart goes into a new room, and neither me or Changbin can keep our eyes off of the beautiful scenery. It's all build so well! It honestly looks so beautiful.

The ride continues to go through a lot of different rooms, all with different scenery. Sometime I feel Changbin squeeze my hand, to let me know he's also enjoying it. 

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now