17. Unite them

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The next morning I wake up by my alarm. I look at the ceiling sighing. Not even the smiling face of the members of babyphotos can make me smile and that says something. 

I sit up and sigh. I'm going to have some good talk with Changbin. I stand up and walk to my closet. I grab a long dress, that is casual and a little formal. It's black and is long, it reaches further than my knees. 

I put it on, and it hugs my curves right, but on a formal way. I know Changbin will love it though. I look in the mirror and smile. I put my hair up in a ponytail and put light make-up on my face. Now it's time for some breakfast. 

I quickly go downstairs and grab some cereal. I put it in a bowl and add some milk after. I sit down at the table and start to eat my breakfast. I'm scared for Changbins reaction and I'm not sure what to do. 

But I really do want to help Minho out. 

After i finished breakfast, I put my bowl in the sink, hoping that either Jisung or Minho will see it en help me out by cleaning it. (Probably not, but who cares at this point?)

I sit down and the times goes by way to fast. How is it when you want the time to go as slow as possible it goes so fucking fast. I sigh and stand up.

I might as well just do it. 'You want to help Minho right?' I whisper to myself. I look in the mirror that is hanging in the hallway and grimace. 'C'mon Y/N, you can do it.' I say. 

I grab my coat and keys and walk out of the front door. Well, let's do this shit then.

I close the door behind me, trying to be quiet. I know Jisung and Minho are still in the house and probably sleeping.

I walk to my car and use the key to open it. I throw my bag in the passanger seat before sitting down in the driver seat. Sighing, I look at the clock. 

Fuck it. I drive off, on my way to work..

I quickly arrive at the building and park my car. I take one last big breath before grabbing my bag, stepping out and walking to the entrance of the huge building.

I walk in and see Momo sitting there as usual. 'Goodmorning!' She says, in her usual cheery tone. 'God, you look awful.' She says, the moment she lays her eyes on me. 'Goodmorning to you too.' I say sarcastically. 

Momo frowns. 'What's wrong?' She asks, making me sigh. 'Nothing, it's nothing.' 'But there is clearly something bothering you.' She says. She's worried about me, and normally I really appreciate it if people are worried for me, but right now it's beyond annoying me. 

'I'm fine.' I say, shortly. Momo just sighs. 'Alright, but please care for yourself just a little, okay?' She says and I nod. 'I will, don't worry.' 

Momo shoots me a genuine smile, as I walk to the elevators. 

I'm on the right floor way to quickly. Why does time seem to move so quickly today? I think I'm fucking cursed or something.

I open the door to my 'office' and sit down behind my desk, starting my computer. 'No goodmorning kiss?' I hear. I look up and see Changbin standing there with a smile on his face.

I smile too. I can't be mad at this man. I stand up and walk towards him. 'How silly of me, must have slipped my mind.' I joke, before pressing my lips to his. Changbin chuckles. 

'Are you okay Princess?' He suddenly asks, making the blood leave my face. 'Uh yeah, I'm totally fine.' I try to lie, but he raises an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by it. 

'Be in my office in 10 minutes.' He says, before turning around, walking into his office and closing the door behind him. 

I sigh and sit down behind my desk again. How did he see through me that fast? Am I just predictable? Or is he just really good at reading people? I'm super confused.

Should we do this? (Changbin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now