16: family nightmare

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Cw: gory description.

"Finnished daddy." I informed him after finished all my lines shaking my hand up and down from the pain.

"Good job baby boy come here darling." He held his hands our and I walked around the desk and koala bear hugged him legs around his torso and my head placed comfortably in his neck. "Are you okay if I still do my work princesses?" He asked I nod my head not minding. Most of the time he left one hand on my back, sometimes he would use it for something else like holding or straightening paper but would always soon place it back snaked around my back.

* * *

"Georgie? Wake up baby, it's lunch time." My eyes fluttered open Will's sweet smell was clogging up my nose.

"Will?" I asked seemingly more drowsy than I've ever been before. "Whats happening?" I asked confused. We were outside the mansion. "Will why are we here?" I asked. Ever since I came to the mansion I've never really stepped one foot upside. Not even for the playground that was built for adults. I've only really been little for like 2 days, and it's been cold now. Now I don't really feel the temperature.

"Dont worry lovely you'll see in a second." Will sat me down in an expensive looking car. I was very confused. He walked around to the front. I wasn't really focusing on my surrounding but something felt a little off, just the slightest bit.

"Hey it's okay baby." He placed his hand on my thigh one hand still on the wheel. My breathing fastened. One thing I've learnt from my life was how to trust my gut feeling. And my gut was screaming at me that something was wrong. Will head snapped towards me faster than you could blink I wanted to scream to run. His grip on my thigh tightened. I tried to scream I couldn't. Wills eyes were replaced with nothing. Hollowness. I felt like crying, I couldn't do anything I was frozen.

In one blink his head was adjacent to mine whispering in my ear. "Dont scream." He whispered before I got pulled out of the car and I entered darkness I tried screaming my mouth was super glued shut.

"Georrgeee." I knew that voice. I didn't want that voice. I want to go home. Tears streamed down my face. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I was there on that night again. My father walking around on my room looking for me. "George mummy's not going to help you now." I was hiding in my cupboard hands squeezing my mouth shut basically suffocationg so he wouldn't hear me. I remember that moments before hiding I witnessed the man going insane and scooping my mother's eyes out of her limp body.he wanted to do the same to me.

"Georgiee." I heard him sing looking under the bed and behind the certain my heart was racing. I couldn't breath but it didn't hurt. "Georgie come give daddy a hug." I was young. Like 8 years old maybe. I squeezed myself further back into the cupboard covering myself with clothes. I could see the blood dripping from the spoons he was holding. I don't know why he was doing this. He had never had any violent tendencies he never raised a hand at us, just one day he shattered and this all happened.

BANG BANG BANG. He found me. "George~ get out here George, you'll look so pretty. GEORGE GET OUT HERE NOW! Listen to me." He was changing emotions dramatically, maniacal, motherly, angry, pathetic. "Listen. Come on out and I won't make it hurt George. It'll be okay. Please. Please come back our. I'm sorry." I could hear him crying. He was lent against the cupboard fallen to his knees. "I'm gonna count to three George, you better get your ass our here right now." He sounded stern. I wasn't going to listen to him. I was gonna be okay. It was gonna be fine. Every number he was counting down he would lay a fist into the door. I couldn't handle it. I was breaking down. 3... 2... 1... I scream louder and louder as he started to break through. I saw his fists crack through the door reaching out towards me

* * *

"Georgie, Georgie wake up baby, it's just a dream. You're okay." I woke up panicking, flailing around trying to get away, I kicked and slapped and punched not realising. "George George is me. You're okay." He grabbed my hands to stop me from inflicting pain I was screaming louder using my legs to push him as far away as I could.

"Dont take my eye noo I don't want I don't want!!" I screamed over and over again.

"Its me George it's Will!" He yelled trying to stop me again. I stop my attack and looked around for the first time.

"Daddy?" I asked in dispare. He eased his grip on my wrists and pulled me in for a hug. I held onto him tightly, I cried calling him 'daddy' over and over again. He was being wonderful whispering sweet nothing's into my ear, rubbing soothing circles on my back as he clung to me just as much as I clung to him. "M'sowwy daddy. Didn't mean to hewt yous. Dat against de wules. M'sowwy." I apologised more.

"Its okay baby, you didn't know. You're okay, you didn't purposely do it." He gave me many butterfly kisses all over my face. "You were scared. Do you wanna talk about it baby?" He asked running his hands through my hair. I shook my head, I wasn't ready to talk about it. It all happened years ago but I couldn't talk about it. Not right now when it's all now fresh. "Thats okay baby, you don't have to talk now. It is lunch time though and you need to eat." I freaked out. That's exactly how it started. I shook my head getting out of his grip.

"No! No lunch." I crossed my arms. I'm not going back. Daddy looked confused and crossed his arms too looking me right in my eyes. He could sense something was about to happen. "No lunch. Bad daddy." I pouted, this confused him even further.

"Why don't you want lunch baby?" He asked trying to understand. I wanted to tell him but I didnt want him to know. I stomped my foot and he looked shocked and pushed out my bottom lip. "Liten baby, I know you just had a really really horrific nightmare but if you won't let me help you or help me to understand I'm gonna have to get you to eat lunch, I don't want you to starve baby." He walked closer and crouched on the floor holding my hands. My pout became one of sadness. I was only acting like this due to a stupid dream.

"Sowwy daddy. In. In de stawt of de dweam yous saided dat we was gonna go get lunch. Den de badness stawted. You took me to him." His face somehow softened even more.

"Bubba I'm not taking you anywhere, only to the dining room so that you can have a good feed my love." He kissed my cheeks before giving me a big boy kiss which make me take a step back blushing coving my lips.

"Big boy kiss?" I asked gazing at him with enlarged eyes. He gave me a smile getting up off the ground. Walking back up to me cupping my face.

"A big boy kiss for my big brave boy." He gave me another big boy kiss, it wasn't just a peck but there was also no tongue. I was very happy with this. The kiss was broken before I stood there with my fists planted comfortably on my hips making myself a superhero pose.

"Me a big bwave boy." I place a large smile stitched to my face. I stopped the pose when I looked up at daddy with large innocent eyes. "Big boys wear dummies and hold teddies yeah?" I asked holding my hands in front missing my teddy bare and th e comfort of my dummy. Not really touching them since the tongue biting incident which my tongue has pretty much completely healed since them. I feel like it would still hurt if I were to slightly bite it. He gave a smile offering me his hand before leading me to  his room grabbing my dummy and teddy who didn't have a name. I didn't feel like giving him one. I'll have to ask daddy to give him one later. We adventured down to the dining room and had some food however I was still sceptical watching every ones slightest movement while I chatted with Delilah about our punishments and what we were going to do after lunch for some fun.

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