34: sleep info

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"We may have been wrong." The alpha turned to Joshua.

"No shit sherlock. I've been telling you I wasn't brainwashed for 2 months." I was tired. Josh came up to me, I didn't have the strength to push him away. He paced the sippy cup to my lips and I began to drink needing something to run down my throat.i rest my head on Josh's shoulder. I couldn't hold the sippy cup, I had nothing left. "I still hate you." I say when he takes the drink away from me. He reached his hand up and ran it through my messy hair. It was getting way too long. The long part of my hair reached just below my eyes and the short part reached the middle of my ears.

"Hate me all you want little pup." He kissed the top of my head. And I had no time nor energy to care. My eyes got heavier and soon I couldn't open them. I could still hear them but they thought I wad gone. "What do we do?" Josh asked still playing with my hair, it was calming.

"I.. don't know." The alpha stated. "I seriously thought he was just brainwashed." He continued. He was moving around the room, it seemed to fix everything, i heard the bedside table get picked up and placed the way it was.

"We can't just send him back. What if they do drink his blood, I like him, what if he ends up like mum." I was caught on three words that could mean anything. Does he have feelings for me or does he just like me being there. He's been around me a lot lately that could really mean anything.

"I know I know, bur he has a daddy, and he will only keep hurting himself if he's here. You saw him today. Even if he agreed to go to themain pack house do you really think the screaming would stop? Do you really think he won't throw a tantrum like this again? Face it you can't handle having a little right now, as a lover or as just a caregiver. Leaving him on his own while he is obviously emotional was not a good call." Josh moved me so all my weight was on him. I heard the bed get moved and placed back down where Josh laied me down on the bed still playing with my hair. He pushed my dummy into my mouth and placed my teddy into my arms and I snuggled ibto it.

"I know okay?" Josh starts. "I made a mistake, I didn't know he was going to react like that. I thought he hated me anyway. I didn't think he would care if I left." His father scolded him for a few minuets talking about sick and emotional littles.

"What are we going to do about him?" Josh diflects the attention from his mistake and onto the problem at hand.

"I don't know yet." The alpha comments picking up the bucket and setting it next to me on the ground. "We keep him here untill we figure it out." He kept picking up all the toys and placing them in the draws of the bedside table.

"Was that coven we got him from really burnt down?" Josh asked, his hands softly running through my greasy hair.

"I'm not completely sure, the wolves that went there came back with crazy wounds and they said they threw the fire at it but they couldn't stick around because one of the vampires where going crazier than the others. Some of them nearly didn't make it put alive." The alpha explained. I knew it was Will who went crazy. If I had any power I would do the same. But all I can do is scream and hope Will comes and saves me.

"So you're saying his daddy might still be alive?" Josh asked stopping with my hair. I unconsciously whine and he replaced his hand again.

"Is he awake?" The alpha asked in a worried tone.

"No, he whines in his sleep sometimes. It's the same with the screaming. He can't help it. So is he alive?" Josh asked again, sitting in anticipation.

"There is a large possibility yes. The wolves were chased for quite a while before another vampire came and took him back. Seemed like his father."

"I want daddy." I mumbled, I didn't realise I said it out loud, I didn't mean to. I heard Josh sigh.

"We better figure out what we're going to do soon, I'm afraid these tantrums are going to happen more frequently, it could get more intense and and he could hurt more than just his voice. I'm going to keep giving him the medicine, I don't like seeing him in pain." Josh's hand moved and he placed the blanket on top of me and requested a new cloth from the person out side.

"They will probably get worse, you just need to figure out how to calm him down. Have some earbuds on you if his screams pain you so much." Alpha suggested. I was actually getting tired at this point I wanted to sleep but couldn't because I wanted to listen in to what they were going to talk about.

"I'll figure it out, you just have to figure our what we do with him. If his daddy is still alive he is probably planning an attack, a heavy one. And a search party. Haven't there been sightings of vampires? They're looking for him that's for sure. He's screaming so they find him. For all we know they already know that he is here." Josh stood up, I let out a loud whine. I really didn't want to be alone when I fall asleep.

"At least you know he likes you. Even if he says he likes you." Josh sat back down and placed his hands in my hair again.

"Yeah, but he's not mine." Josh seemed sad. His movements were slow, his voice was low.

"We will find you a little. It doesn't have to be a little human boy who is in love with some vampire. There are so many other littles our there." The alpha stated.

"None of them are going to be the same as him. I help out with the littles here and all of them treat me like royalty, George treats me like any other random person."

"I know son. It's going ro be hard but you will find someone." With that the alpha left. Josh was about to go but I stopped him.

"Stayy." I whine

"Are you awake?" He asked. "You're never this whiny when asleep.

"Mmm. Stay." I hold onto his arm. He leans over and grabbed something before placing it on my forehead. It was a cloth it cooled me down tremendously.

"Listen, we will figure something out. I'm sorry we kept you here for so long without your daddy. We'll get you back to him, hopefully without blood shed." I hummed in response. "Are you okay if I cuddle you?" He asked. I was hesitant. I didn't want him to leave, I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, what else would he do. Just this once, Daddy will come and get me soon.

"Yeah." I croak out. "Dont do anyfing doe." I warn him. He agreed and got in behind me and placed my head in a position it would be easier for him to play with my hair.

"Go to sleep little pup, we can talk later when you wake up."

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