28: Glitter

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The days have risen and gone. Daddy is less busy now he says the business is stable and there hasn't been any sightings of werewolves in the area recently so we've been going outside more often, a walk in the garden when im big and a play on the playground with Delilah and Juels when im little. I've been having so much fun, all my nightmares seem to disappear when hes with me and have decreased when hes not. I feel safe and at home here for the first time and I've been trying to figure our a way to make it up to him with Delilah and Juels in the playroom.

"How about you draw and paint him a drawing, my daddy loves when I make him something and it's been a bit since you made him something." Delilah suggests grabbing some paper and her art supplies.

"Yeah!" Jules jumps in. "I give mummy art and she loves it so much she sticks it on our walls saying it's amazing and she loves it. So we should definitely do that." I nod my head feeling the determination and going over to Delilah I see all the crafts my eyes immediately snap on to the glitter that was laid out on the small floor table. All the colours of the rainbow all laid out in a neat line. We all got to work creating extravagant peices of art for out caregivers. It's mostly just stick figures and everything. I decided to add th glitter as clothes and hair and the sky a f the ground it was a glittery sparkly peice of art work and I ended up covered in the shiny glitter, it made me so happy infact that I regressed even further into my headspace that I forgot the whole reason I was going that and I just wanted to sparkle like a shimmery star. The others followed in my lead and suddenly we all had glitter all over us. Me more than them they wanted to finish their artwork. I put glitter on my hands in my hair all over my face. My white jumper was now a sea of colours paint and glitter. I couldn't just stop with me I turn to the others and suggested the walls needed a little shine and they both agreed and we all sat by the wall painting it and placing glitter all over it.

Daddy showed up soon after our glitterfest. He looked surprised.

"Daddy! Daddy look I shine like starr." I yelled with excitement running up to him turning around, glitter was all over the ground in a line of where I was walking.

"Georgie was this your idea?"he asked observing the room and seeing all the glitter and paint everywhere, he seemed at a loss for words admiring my work of art.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Isn't it pretty? I wanted to show you how happy I am you were in my life so we started making pretty arts and then I got a bit carried away wif the glitter and I wanted to shimmer and shine like what I did in the painting then I wanted the room to look as pretty as I did and we painted the walls!" Rye and Charlie walked in with similar shocked expressions on their face. The girls looked down embarrassed and I was confused as to why, we were just making the place pretty.

"George this is going to take forever to get out of everything! It's in your hair, on your hands, please tell me you haven't been sucking on them." I shrugged my shoulders, not recalling if I had put my hands in my mouth or not.

"He didn't, he tried to buh lilah stoppeded him." Daddy gave a sigh of relief picking me up from under my armpits and placing me on his hip.

"Come on bath time for you baby boy then you're gonna help clean this room okay?" I stopped him before going and washed out of his grip, running over to the table that held all the works of art I pulled up mine a bunch of glitter falling on the floor I saw daddy's eyes wince. I brought over the peice of paper that held me and him in the clearing we had our date in with the cabin and everything, it had a dark brown stick figure with black glittery curly hair holding hands with a slightly shorter short glittery brown hair boy with a glittery pink heart in between their heads representing the both of us and how we love each other. There was not one plane colour in sight it was all glitter, the grass, the trees, the cabin, all of it was covered in glitter.

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