21: sage pt2

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"Up" He states I let out a deep sigh in relief glad he said that as his answer.

"Well." I get off his lap so I could have a real convocation. I sit myself next to him one leg crossed the other hanging off the side of the lounge so I am facing him. "Promise not to get mad first. Not yet. And let me finish." I gave the rule knowing he was going to storm off afterwards anyway.

"I promise." His face now as serious as my own.

"Well... um.. I dont know how to say that. Sage, the vampire from the old clan thing that was saying everything about the mark. Yknow, black hair scar on his left eye, always looks angry?" I give him a rough description of what I could remember of him.

"Yeah I know the one. I've had a few issues with him. Did he bite you? Hurt you?... kiss you?... did he--"

"No! He didn't touch me... like that. Bur just let me finish please. I have to. Well after talking with Jules, Rye came and collected Jules for something to do with the old covenant I came to look for you in your office and you weren't there so I went to our room and you weren't here either as I was about to just sit and wait for you I heard his voice behind me. He started talking about stuff I barely remember but he ended up... he ended up right infront of me and um." I knew this part was going to be the part that he started to get really mad, I could see it on his face. He was already pissed he was anywhere near me.

"What did he do George?" I look down biting my lip. I pull down the turtle neck showing him the bruises that were begining to form.

"He strangled me threatening that if I was to tell you anything and you would try to hurt him that he would kill you and um. I-I was scared. That he would actually be able to do that." I could see rage fuming in his eyes. He softly pulled the turtle neck down further caressing my neck.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry that this happened. You weren't ment to be hurt by these vampires. I was told they were safe." He pulls it up again and gave me a peck on the lips. "I'll deal with this my love, I will. He won't come near you again." He was about to stand up but I pulled him back down and got on top of him hugging him.

"Dont go, he'll come back and kill me." He hugged me even tighter. He stood up with me in his arms.

"We need to talk to my dad baby. He needs to know what happened. Do you think you can do that for me?" I nod my head and he takes us to his father's office which was like up a floor. I've only been here once before. When I got told about the vampires I was living with.

As we were traversing the halls we ran into Sage. He looked so casual. He had no idea what's about to happen. My heart speeds up.

"Whats wrong with him?" He asked. I could feel daddy tensing up.

"Shh daddy it'sa secret." I whisper in his ear knowing sage could hear me.

"Its a secret according to him so I'm sorry I can't tell you." He wasn't convinced. "It embarrasses him, I don't want him to feel that right now okay? Go, dinner is nearly ready." Sage nods his head and heads down ghe stairs as we head up. We enterd the office. And Daddy's dad was sitting behind the desk looking as serious as always looking over his paperwork and whatever else he does.

"Dad." Daddy introduced himself making himself known. "We need to talk." His father looked up and gave an indication to continue talking.

"The issue with Sage McKinley has become worse. He has physically harmed George and sent threats to quote un quote kill me if George was to ever tell me." His father took out a peice of paper. And handed it over.

"Is there any physical proof." Daddy set me down on the chair infront of his dad.

"Are you okay if I show him darling?" He asked I nod my head just sitting there wanting this over with. He pulled down the turtle neck exposing the hand shape bruise on my neck.

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