6: little for the day pt 1

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William didn't call for me the whole night. However before I was about to go to sleep Regonald entered my room with a knock.

"George are you awake?" This was odd to me, he's never done anything like this before. I answer with a yes and I wait for him to move forward.

"How do you think you're doing being a butler and all?" He walks up and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I think I'm doing okay. Am I?" I was getting a little worried.

"Of corse you're doing great, you did two days with no issues I hear." He comments. "But I've heard you wanted to try out the little space lifestyle."

"Is that a problem?" I asked sitting upright in bed. His face gave no indication of what he was going to day next.

"No it's not however if you do, and you like it, and you partake in it. You can not be a Butler." He says. I crossed my legs under the blanket and looked at him with large eyes.

"But. But I need this job! If I don't have it I will be homeless, please don't fire me. I won't be little never. I won't. I need this job. I need it." I pleaded with him. There was a knock on the door, William walked in.

"Forgive me for eaves dropping. You won't be homeless. You'll still live in the mansion. I want you here, and even if I didn't, Delilah needs you and would scream at me if I let you leave." He walked over to my bed and stood there. At the end. He was wearing a gray hoody and black sweatpants.

"But don't you need a butler?" I direct at Will. "And arebt you retiring?" I ask Boss.

"Yes I am retiring. However, I can still go. I am not dying anytime soon young one." Regonald says. I look up at Will who gives me a soft smile.

"I- um. Uh. I still dont know. I said I would try it I don't know if I'll like it." I rub my arm, not because I was cold but because I was nervous.

"How about this, tomorrow I have a free day, you get to be little all day, I'll teach you how and I'll look after you and maybe you can have a play date with Delilah if you're feeling it. If not and you don't like being in little space you can always still be my butler and Reggie doesn't have to look for someone new. You're only 50 Reggie, I don't know why you're already looking for a replacement." Will offerd and I thought about it.

"Umm. Yeah, we can do that. But are you sure. I can-"

"You can calm down and just trust me." I nodded my head and Reggie got up and dismissed himself Will replaced his spot. "Lay down." He ordered, I followed what he asked of me and lied down he pulled my blanket up and tucked me in. He pushed some of my hair out of my eyes. "My offer I'd still up. You can always come to my room if you're scared." As many times as he offered the more I actually wanted to take him up on it.

"Are you sure." I his eyes were soft and sweet. He caressed my cheek.

"Yes I'm sure." He smiled at me. "Infact I think I'd enjoy your company more knowing you're safe with me." I kept thinking about it. I thought about my nightmares and ways to get rid of them. Just as Will was about to get up and leave I stopped him and got out of my bed and walked up to him.

"Can I?" I say feeling a little small.

"Can you what darling?" He lifted my head to look him in the eyes. My cheeks turn a light pink, I wasn't used to asking for anything.

"Can.. I sleep with you tonight." He gives me a loving smile.

"Of corse you can my little butler." He takes my hand and leads me to his room and we settle in for the night, he holds me in his arms and I felt safe enough to sleep.


I woke up in a cold sweat, breath ragged and heavy. I look around William was right next to me slowly sitting up. I thought this would stop the nightmares, I brought my knees to my chest and sobed into them.

"Georgie? Are you okay darling?" William properly woke up and shook my shoulder grabbing my attention. "Its okay Georgie, you're okay, come here." He opens his arms and I fall into them and sob into his chest. He rubbed soothing circles onto my back giving little kisses to the top of my head. He looked over at the time.

"Its 2 am bubba do you think you can go back to sleep?" He asks softly, I tightened my hug on him and shook my head. Usually after a nightmare I can't go back to sleep. "Okay that's okay, well it is a new date which means I get to baby you. So let's get ready for the day." He says as he stands up, picking me up and setting me on his hip. My cheeks redden and I hide my face in his neck. He takes us down to the kitchen and sets me on the counter, I didn't want to let go I was enjoying yhe hug I was getting. Noticing that I wasn't letting go he repositions me so I am on his front and I had my legs wrapped around him I hear him doing something with the micro wave and whenever he had the free hands he would use them to hug me tight. He grabbed whatever out of the microwave and walked back to his room. It didn't seem like he was getting tired with holding onto him. He sat down and wedged me off of him giving me a sippy cup.

"Here drink this lovely, it will help with falling asleep." He kissed the top of my head and I took the sippy cup with both hands and drank what was in it. It tasted like milk but more sweet and vanillery. As I did Will brushed his hand up and down my back and rocked me back and forth. When I didn't end up going back to sleep be got up with me in his arms he grabbed something from his bedside table before sitting back onto the bed. He clipped the thing onto my jumper and showed me what it was. My face reddened once again as I saw the dummy in his hand.

"You dont have to I'd you don't want to, I also have this." He pulled out a teddy. I placed my lips around the dummy and grabbed the teddy holding it close. He started rocking me back and forth "do you want to try and sleep?" He asked my eyes started to get droopy and I nodded my head he lied us down and kept caressing my hair and kissed my forehead before humming me to sleep. Not too long before I drifted off to dream land.

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