47: argument

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Weeks went by with the three of us getting used to all of us dating. Sometimes Josh would have to leave and take care of wolf stuff up at his pack house, his father wasn't too pleased with the arrangement we had. He wasn't happy with three different species being together, I didn't get it but I suppose there are issues there. Will father was the same. He hated Josh thought he wasn't supposed to be here around other vampires, his excuse was having him here wasn't helping with my separation anxiety and that the other vampires were uncomfortable with him around. Both excuses were wrong. I'm now not screaming when one of them leaves ghe room, and I can play with Delilah and Jules for much longer before needing to go find them again and have a big cuddle session.

Will's daddy believes in "crying it out." He wants them to lock me in a room by myself for hours and just let me cry untill I fell asleep. He believes I shouldn't be sleeping with them and that that's the reason I'm so attached to them. I'm so glad Will has been standing against him saying that it will only make me worse. Which leads us to the argument they are having now. I am currently cuddling with Josh on out bed while will and his dad are arguing right in front of us, Will's dad not leaving.

"Yous need to stop being so soft with him. I get he's a little but if he is having trouble leaving you alone for 2 seconds then you need to be a little rougher with him." The older man states calmly. Most of will and his father's arguments were calm. They never really raise their voices and when they do they calm it down immediately after.

"Dad that is such a stupid view to have, being rougher and letting him suffer alone won't do anything but make him worse. He won't want to leave because he knows that it only hurts." Will explained, I noticed when hes angry he moves his hands alot pointing up and down and to me and flailing his hands around, almost as a way to let his anger out as to not make him get violent.

"You used to have separation anxiety as a kid and I locked you in your room for hours and look how you turned out. Only took three weeks to get you to stop screaming and crying."

"Okay and how was our relationship for the next 2 hundred years? 3 hundred? 1 thousand? Not that good to my memory. I hated you. I tried to kill you, so do you really think that's going to work."

"He's a human he's not going to try to kill you and he won't hate you. You hated me because you're mother fed you lies apon lies and convinced you that I was the bad guy.before she left completely." My eyes were wide watching the confession about Will's life after confession. From both sides.

"You were the reason mum left and hasn't come back, she hates you and I hated you for so fucking long and now I can tolerate you so why are you trying to fuck up what we have now just because of how different I'm handling a situation. George isn't your little, he isn't your boyfriend, Josh is non of your concern and any issue with the three of us is down to us not you." Will's father got frustrated and he left mumbling profanities.

"We're packing our stuff. I can't be under the same roof as him right now." Will went to our wardrobe and started packing some clothes for the three of us. Josh got up, turned around, picked me up and placed me on his hip before following.

"Where are we going?" Josh asks. Sitting me down on the small chair that sat in the middle. Of the wardrobe. I must admit I was a little scared of the situation. More scared of how quiet Will got. He wasn't answering Josh and I dought he would have answered me. "George is scared, you have to calm down and stop fuming." Will turn around to me and got on my level.

"I'm sorry if I scared you baby, Daddy didn't mean too." It was like a little switch in my brain flipped and I was suddenly plummeted into my headspace. "Please don't cry baby." I didn't realise tears had fallen, I wasn't even that scared but for some reason the tears had formed and fallen. ""Its okay baby." He wrapped his arms around my body in a protective fashion. "You, Daddy and Dada are going to daddy's mums house, it'll be the first time you see her and everything will be okay. It'll be like a little vacation." Daddy explained. Ever since we've gotten together it's felt natural to call Josh Dada while in little space.

We had never even talked about daddys mum, I had no idea what to expect when he told me that, Josh also seemed surprised.

"I didn't even know you had a mother." Dada exclaimed and I agreed with him. "Why have you never talked about her?" He asks folding clothes. Daddy had calmed down and was rocking me back and forth think more to calm himself down than me 

"She left long ago and uh... she's kind of alot sometimes. She's been trying to get me to come over for years now and refuses to come here because of my father and I don't blame her. So I guess it's time to come and meet her I suppose." We agree and daddy and j help pack. I pack my teddies and my favorite dummy's and blankie. Daddy and Dada packed all the clothes and daddy packed a little vit of paper work that he had to go over and daddy led us to a car the three of us in the back.

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