8: Play date

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"Yayyy let's play let's play!" Delilah was more excited than I was. He was bouncing on the balls of her toes and running around, she couldn't wait to play with another little.

"Now Delilah." Charlie says as we get to the play room. "George seems to be a much younger age than you in little space so you have to be careful with him okay? The door is gonna stay open. And if anything happens whatsoever you call out to us. We'll be around." Delilah gives a reassuring nod and drags goes to drag me to the room but I whined, I don't know why I did, I just did.

"Its okay darling." Will said getting down on his knees straightening my jumper. "I won't be too far just out here talking with Charlie okay?" This made me feel better. I gave him a smile and he kissed my nose making me giggle. I pointed to his pocket remembering that's where he put my dummy. He grabs out the dummy and clips it onto my jumper so I don't lose it.

I give him a big hug and run off with Delilah to play with everything in the playroom. This time we didn't really clean up. We just played and played and played. The place was a pig sty. We went from dress ups to dolls to house to make believe back to dress ups to makeup stylists, to company owners to living in the woods back to house back to dolls back to dress up. There were clothes everywhere. We drew and painted played catch the ball. I started to regress further in age and we got to play with blocks and we played babies and more house. Eventually I started getting tired. I didn't know how long we were playing for but I just git tired really fast.

We stopped for a bit and Delilah asked if I was okay. I yawned a bit and started crying. I didn't know why I was crying over something so trivial and fixable but I was. This struck fear into Delilah thinking she had done something wrong. Will and Charlie came barraling into the room thinking someone was hurt.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Will asked immediately going to me picking me up. Charlie asked something along the same lines to Delilah. Will checked if I was physically hurt, moving my hair out of my eyes and checking my legs and arms and lifting my shirt. I was still crying.

"I dunno what happened. We was just playing and he started crying." She sounded worried or scared that she might be in trouble. Will sat me down on the bed checking my arms again.

"Whats the matter little butler?" I couldn't speak, I didn't want to. There was nothing for a little bit and as he asked again I let out a big yawn. Suddenly it clicked in Will's mind. Are you tired baby?" I gave a nod looking around for my teddy. He let our a sigh, so did Delilah.

"Teddy." I let out still looking for it tears finally stopping. That's when Charlie and Will finally got a good look at the place.

"We need to clean up to find teddy bub. Can you help?" Will explained. I gave a pout. I didn't want to clean, I wanted teddy and to go to sleep. "Dont look at me like that little one, we can't just leave this place a mess. You helped make it that means you have to help clean it. Don't worry Charlie and I will help too." I gave a nod and so did Delilah. I placed my dummy in my mouth and started with the blocks placing them in the bag they came from before zipping it up and putting it in the toy box. I also helped with the dress ups, I would grab a dress from the floor and pass it to will who was folding them and placing them neatly in a box, I felt like Cinderella and the others were my little mice helpers.

After ages, we finally got the room clean. I was now exhausted and my feet hurt from moving everything back to where it was ment to go. We found my teddy while cleaning and I have clung to it ever since.

"We seep?" I asked around the dummy, making it hard to talk. Will smiled and picked me up placing me on his hip.

"Yes we can finally sleep little one." He kissed my forehead and said his goodbye to Charlie and Delilah, I waved them a good bye too, to be polite. We made out way down the hall me still in Will's arms, when we opened the door Will's dad was there. I hid my head into Will's neck afraid of being judged.

"William we need to talk." Will instantly tensed up. Tightening his grip around me.

"Maybe later pa, I'm a but busy as you can see." He said through gritted teeth. I felt my eyes getting a bit wet as a new waterfall of tears began to stream down like crazy. I didn't like seeing will angry and I didn't like the tension in the air. "Can you get out dad ill come talk to you when I'm free." His father agreed and left the room, I was crying like crazy. "Hey darling why are you crying? What's the matter?" He asked sitting down on the bed.

"Yous was angy wif your daddy ands me didn't wike it." I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and will grabbed some tissues holding one up to my nose and telling me to blow.

"Its okay darling, I'm not that angry with him, we just need to talk about someyhing I don't want to talk about." He rubbed my back and kissed my head.

"What yous talk about?" I ask rubbing my eyes from tiredness.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with. You want a story or a song to go to sleep to?"

"Song, song, song." I chant. She smiled lying me down in bed making sure I had my teddy and my dummy, he tucked the blankets under my body and made sure I was comfy before he starter singing to me till i fell asleep.

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