2: calm down

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Ding ding. I heard a bell ringing from across the hall. That must be William wanting to request something. I shot up from my seat and exited my room. Boss was standing there infront of my room about to knock.

"Good reflexes young butler. It won't be long till I have to leave you." Hesring that sentence high key made me shiver. I disliked the thought. It was only my first day I couldn't do anything without him not yet. "No worries young butler I am not leaving anytime soon." He gave a chuckle. I guess I'm easy to read.

"So when young master rings his bell that means he needs you for something. Everytime we go to him we knock." He begins walking towards the door of masters office and demonstrates how to knock polightly. "We wait for his response." We wait for Master to answer with a come in. "And we ask what he needs"

"What do you need young master?" He asks hands behind his back. I copy his pose. Master gives a small chuckle.

"Its cute it's almost like you have a little puppy with you." He crosses his arms and leans back. "I want a sandwich. But I want you to make it Georgie." My knees started to feel weak.

"W-what would you like on your sandwich master?" I ask straightening my posture Boss gives me a small thumbs up.

"Mm surprise me. I dont mind anything. Reggie observe him. Make sure he doesn't burn the house down." My heart beat quickens with anxiety. "What does he like? What if I make something and he hates it? Will he base his want for me on a sandwich. What do people even have on sandwiches." My thoughts ran wild. And William laughed at my worry sending me off.

"Calm down young butler, young master enjoys meat." He winks as we walk out of Masters office. My heart was pounding in my ears. Boss shows me where the kitchen is. "As a butler we don't actually make the food. The cooks do. It's their job, our job is to deliver it."

"But Master asked me to 'make' it. What does that mean then if we don't make it?" We enter the kitchen. It was pretty easy to find due to the noise of the post and pans. As we enter it all looks chaotic.

"Ohh what does young master want now?" A little middle aged asian woman with a hair net and an apron walks up to us. "And who is this handsome young lad?" She adds on noticing me.

"Young masters new butler in training." He looked at me. "When young master wants you to 'make' something that means he wants you to order it. So you tell Miss Chen here what young master wants." He explains. Miss Chen moves her eyes from Boss to me and I freeze up for a second.

"Uhhh he wants um... a meat sandwich?" It sounded more like a question.

"Anything special or just a meat sandwich?" She ask I start to shake. I don't know what he likes.

"Umm uh. I don't know. He just said that I had to chose and I don't know what he likes.

"Ahhh he's trialing you now is he. Well young master indeed likes meat, but to be specific he likes pork and beef. So you want a pork beef sandwich with onion and lettuce." She gives me a wink. Unless he asks for his special. Then you just say he wants his special and don't question anything that gets given to you. Oh also if he asks for his special he has two. So you have to ask what one and he'll either give you special v or special h either way you will not look under the serving tray cover. Do you understand?" She talked so fast I nearly didn't catch any of that but I understood enough so I nodded.

"Yes, thank you ma'am." My heart calmed down a bit. And I waited with boss as he gave me sides to help with everything.some food boss likes. And what certain things ment when he asked for it. Alot of things were strange though. Certain things he wants I am not to look at under certain circumstances. It's confusing. Like why was I nor aloud to look at food? It's just food. When the sandwich was made we brought it up to Master.

"You walk with a straight back, a calm pace. We never run. We make it as fast as possible no dilly dallying. And when we make it we knock. You try it." I knocked exactly like Boss did when we got there and was about to enter without waiting for a response but boss stopped me. "We wait, remember." He places his hands behind his back and we wait for a response. When we get it I open the door after boss looked at me waiting for me to. I tried to open it without as much haste as I did. I apologised as soon as I saw his eyebrow raise.

"What did you get me?" He sits up moving his paper out of the way.

"Go and place it on his desk." Boss whispers to me and I began to walk over, however feeling watched my legs get a bit shaky.

"I- I got you a pork and beef sandwich with onion and lettuce." I stumble on my words.

"Sound more confident. You can't keep mumbling like that and stuttering." He grabbed his serving tray and brings out the sandwich taking a bite. "Good choice." I give him a litte bow. Boss walks up to me noticing that I didn't know what to do.

"Hey Reggie can you leave us be for a second I want to have a small talk with the new butler." My heart races "I did something wrong. He doesn't want me as a butler. I need this job. I can't get another one." I thought to myself still standing at Masters desk. Boss leaves the room and I pressume he goes to his room.

"Come here." He pointing to right next to him. I make my way over and I stand there stiff. "Closer." He orders and I take a step forward. Out knees almost touching. "Closer." He says I look at him with confusion and take a small step forward so out knees are really touching. He pulls me closer by spreading my legs out and making me fall on him so I'm straddling him. I let out a little yelp of fear.

"You need to calm down little butler." He says pulling me even closer. I was right over his dick and he didn't seem fazed by this action. I was. My heart wouldn't stop thumping against my chest. Blood wash rushing to my cheeks. He brought his hand up to my face caressing my cheek and bringing it down to my neck.

"Where is your family little butler?" He asks. His arm snaked around my back holding me in place.

"U-um. Uh"

"Without the stuttering and fumbling."

"They... they're gone or left me. I dont know." I say trying to not freak out that I am straddling my Master, my big boss. This wasn't in the contract.

"So you're an orphan?" He asks.

"This seems a bit personal...Master." I try to get out of his grip a little.

"Mmm don't say that while your in this position. And stop moving." He bit his lip and I instantly stop. "I'm just trying to get to know the new guy." He pulls me closer to him. I grab hold of his shoulders pushing my upper body away. "Any friends? Siblings? Anyone back in the city?" My heart is doing flips. He his holding onto my hips really tight, not tight enough to hurt. He brought up my shirt a little bit as he rubbed circles on them.


"Again no um, no uh, no stuttering." Is this really just him trying to get me to have confidence? Or. What is his goal by doing this?.

"No I don't sir." I nearly stuttered on the 'I' I felt so vulnerable right now. I couldn't move.

"So you have no one?" He leans back.

"Correct sir." He bit his lips. I felt fear race through my body. "Why is he asking this?" I thought.

"Okay you can go." He let me go and I hurridly pushed myself off him. And stood up straight. I gave him a little bow and hurridly ran out the door to my room where I stayed for the rest of the night.

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