51: a talk with the thing

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I dobt know how long it had been since I was down here. I really hoped that I was napping and that this was all just a dream but it didn't seem like that. I knew it was a long time though maybe a day or two. Josh and Will must be running around trying to look for me.

"Again?" It asked. Everynow and then it would ask for another round I would beg for it to stop but it would just do it anyway. I had no clothes, I was cold and dirty. Probably infected in some scrapes that came from fighting with the creature.

"Why cry all the time?" It asked. When it was done with my body it would move to the other side of the room and I would curl up in the corner.

"Because I don't like it." I sobbed into my legs, I knew it wouldn't listen. It doesn't seem to understand.

"Dont like it?" It asked moving closer, I pushed further away.

"I don't like it, I hate it, it hurts and doesn't feel good. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!" I screamed. It had mentions that these cells were designed to hide smell and sound yo make sure no one would find them. "Why did I come here?" I asked defeated to myself. It came closer and touched the side of my neck that had been itching since I got here.

"This." I pushed it away. It didn't advance on me. "I made sure you would come." It said. My eyebrows knitted together.

"What do you mean?!" I ask standing up.

"I spelled you to come here you think the doors just open? No. The woman hates when we leave."


"The lady who owns this house. She takes care of us. I got out recently, saw you and the two guys do what I do to you and you seem to like it when they do it. Is it not a good thing?" It seemed genuinly confused. Like he didn't know what he was doing.

"Its only a good thing if you like it. And I don't like it so it's not a good thing between us only me will and Josh." I explain.

"I see. I apologise. I saw that you were damaged and wanted to help, so I tagged you to come down here." It sat down. In my time of being down here my eyes had gotten used to the dark. I could somewhat see the void of a silhouette. It looked to have many formes, it would change, a tall man, a small girl, every time it would be different. I wonderd if it was multiple people in one OT if it was just something else.

"Damaged how?" I asked. It sat still with straight posture. Unlike me who was slouched, cold and sticky.

"Your past. I see your past and feel those feelings and wanted to help." It explained standing up again. It had never stayed anywhere for longer than 2 minuets. I had so many questions for the creature, wanting to know all about it. I never wanted to go near it but I wanted to know about it. "You're father anf his murder and death, the nuns that would whip you, your boyfriend using you, the bullying. You are hurt. And wanted to make you feel better." It explained pacing around the room. It's distorted voice was still quite scary to me. Changing pitches and tones. Sometimes jt was difficult to figure out what it was saying. I wanted to keep speaking, the more we spoke the more chance it wouldn't touch me again.

"You just do that? Look into people's pasts?" I ask.

"Yes. I do it frequently, sometimes I can't help it."

"Please don't do it to me anymore." This is the most I have talked to this thing. It shocked me. "How long have I been down here?" I asked.

"About two days." I emotionless gave a nod.

"Can you let me out?" I asked.

"No. I already left, the lady reinforced this door. She didn't notice you. I can not leave, not intill I fins a way out." It explained and I was set in dispare, no one would find me. I was hungry and cold and could feel myself getting sick. I cant even imagine what Will and Josh are going through. Attempting to find me and not being able to. I'm never playing hide and seek again.

"What exactly are you?" I asked. I thought if I was able to distract myself with talking with it I wouldn't feel as shit as I did.

"I'm a mist. I take the form of whatever I want and I can turn to mist in which I used to leave before. I have seen that the humanoid form is one that you're most comfortable with.  So I've been taking that so you don't feel alone." It was showed how it would change form, shifting from adult to child from woman to man then a small animal to a bigger one. It was quite impressive I must say. I was quiet for the rest of our time. The mist didn't touch me like it said it wouldn't, it didn't even start tge converstion, which I appreciated. I just sat and I waited. I didn't know whatelse to do.

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