10: it wont happen again

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I clung to will not letting go, he made Mr feel better even though he wasn't really doing anything in particular. It was his dad at the door asking about me. Will didn't seem to happy seeing his dad, it wasn't tense like before he just felt worried. He tightened his grip on me like his dad was going to take me wawy from him.

"I'm not taking him, I was just wondering if he was okay that was a hard fall." He asked, he sounded so seriouse like a big businessman in the middle of a trade off.

"He's fine now, and he'll never do that again, will you georgie." I whine hearing him call me out but I nod my head anyway. He walks out into his room grabbing my teddy handing it to me to hug I did so and began chewing on its ear. Will couldn't see so he didn't stop me.

"There was blood William." Will's dad sounded like he was scolding will for something that I did, not him. And not like he was concerned with me at all.

"I know dad, but nothing happened. No one did anything. Let's talk about this later." Will tries to end the conversation walking to his walk in wardrobe and looks around for some clothes for me.

"He has to know eventually, especially if this is going to be a regular occurrence. And what are you going to do with the bloody clothes hmm?" Will's dad asks crossing his arms in the doorway watching as will finds me new clothes to wear. What did he mean by I have to know eventually?

"Dad he's little I'm not telling him while he's basically a child. Tomorrow, or just later. And I don't know. I'll figure it out. It's not an issue. I swear." He grabs a jumper setting me down on a lounge that was in there, the wardrobe was about the same size as the bathroom, it was lined with clothes around the walls and there was an island in the middle that held shoes. Infront of it was the chair I was sitting on. The place matched the rest of the mansion, dark oak and red and black paint and carpet.

I was confused as to was they were talking about bur paint no mind to it. Will saw I was chewing on Teddies ear and took it out of my mouth taking the dummy and clip off my jumper and putting it to the side, he told me to put mu hands up and I obliged putting my arms straight up in the air, I looked up at the intricate detailing on the roof that looks like a small fortune in itself to be there. He slid my jumper and shirt over my head leaving my torso blank, much to my complaints.

"Its okay darling just a second." A cold breeze blue onto my bare skin making me vibrate attempting to stay warm. Will, as fast as he could, placed a deep blue hoodie over my shoulders and helped me place my arms in the fitting holes. His jumper was a little bit oversized for me leaving a little bit of fabric the slid past my fingertips. I shook them around with a giggle my hands finding their way back into my mouth. During this time will and his dad have been talking.

"We can't have that happen again. You know what would have happened if you were even slower then you were today." It was more a statement than a question, he seemed to be getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"I know!" Will raised his voice making my flinch with a pout. "It won't happen again." He picks me up, this time on on his hip. We make our way back to the bathroom and he sets me back on the countertop where I sat before.he begins to sanitise and clean my dummy before handing it to me taking my hands out of my mouth.

"Its dangerous for him you know. What if he scrapes his knee, or gets a cut, a scratch. More than just a bite on the tongue. How are you going to save him when everyone surrounds him?" He asked I only got more and more confused. Why would people surround me.

"Thats not going to happen. I will protect him." We left the room and made our way back to the dining table.

"Nose bleeds? That would happen quite a bit... look I just don't want to see something happen to him and see how you react to that. I do care for you." Will didn't stop. Infect he walked faster making it to the dining room in record time. As we entered everyone turned their heads to look at me, some covering their noses or mouths.

"I do dat?" I ask looking at everyone who didn't seem in that much of a good mood as before. Sadness washed over me like it was a wave at the beach. I didn't mean to. Delilah ran up to me.

"Georgie! Are you okay?" She didn't sound so little anymore, I began to feel a little insecure.

"You're okay Georgie, you didn't know that was going to happen." Will tried to console me noticing I felt a little sad.

"Yeahs but I'd I listen to Willie I wouldn't get hurt and everyone would he happy." I pouted hiding my face in his neck.

"He's okay now Delilah, you don't have to worry." He didn't speak to her like when she is little, all of this was making me feel even smaller. "You still hungry baby?" He asks sitting back down. I shook my head. "You're not hungry? Not even for cookies?" He asked. It was tempting, the sweet taste of a crumbly treat, I almost nodded my head before remembering how much pain my tongue would feel if I did ate anything so I shook my head again.

"Shit it's that bad?" Delilah solemnly says giving a look of empathy.

"You saided a bad word." I state ppinting a finger at her. Charlie came over and asked what was happening and if I was alright. "Lilah saided a bad word."

"What did she say?" He asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder knowing she wasn't little anymore.

"She said shit." I repeat. Charlie and Delilah laugh and will gave me a very light tap on the wrist. "What? It's eat she said?" I was confused for the tap.

"When repeating something someone said bad like that word you say the same word little boy, I don't want you swearing." I giggled at his explanation.

"Shit." He gave me a warning look. He can't do anything to me. He's not my daddy. "Shit." I watched his eyes. Charlie and Delilah looked amused at my sudden confidence. Will gave me another look. "Shi-" he cut me off.

"Remember that today you agreed that I was your caregiver which means i can punish you, say it again and you'll be getting time out little one." I humf in annoyance at his logic.

"No." I state and look at my nuggets really wanting one. Will grabbed a fork and a knife and cut a tiny piece of the dinosaurs head and dipped it into the sauce.

"You wanna see if you can eat anythin? You've barely eaten all day. I want you to eat." I looked at him with worry and showed him my tongue as the reasoning to not wanting to eat. "I understand baby, but it might have healed enough to be okay to eat." He explains. I try the small amount of nugget and it felt fine so I slowly ate small bits of my dinner untill my plate was empty and we had to go to bed, but I wasn't tired.

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