13: vampires?

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Will Led me down the halls and up some stairs and into a bigger maze of doors, this was one of the restricted areas I was not allowed to enter, I guess it's because of his father being there. I wonder what we will talk about. Is it the fact that he was kissing a boy? Or maybe it's because he was kissing his butler? Was it something else? Questions float in my mind like a swarm of flies hitting windows and walls. The nerves started to catch up with me, the only times I have seen Will's dad was when he was angry. Will he be angry this time? I bit at my lip worried for the outcome of this conversation his dad wants to have.

"Is he going to kick me out?" I ask before we get to the door. The silence was killing me at this point and I could feel Will's anger from here.

"No he's not, but you might want to leave, and that's okay." He looked back noticing I was having a little trouble keeping up. Every step sounded like thunder crashing everytime my feet hit the ground.

"I would never want to leave, anything is better than being homeless." I mention. Will grabbed my hand interlacing our fingers and slowed down. His emotions weren't radiating off of him this time. Like he had calmed down. This is the version of him I like more then him being angry. Him being angry scares me.

"You might change your mind, and it's okay if you do, I don't mind. And if you leave I will get you a house, even if you hate me after this. I just didn't want you to be scared of me. Of this house. Of Delilah. But just know we would never hurt you. All of us. We wouldn't and you should never think so." I got more and more scared of everything that was happening already, what would scare me enough to leave? I guess that will be answered in a second.

"Enter." A booming voice eminates from the otherside of the door Will just knocked on. I started to shake. My legs felt weak I felt like I was going to pass out from so much anxiety.

"Will, Will's... old butler. Take a seat we need to have a chat." The man states, he's alot like Will, tall dark but looks intimidating he has a similar hair style but frizzier and more of an afro he was in a well fitted suit like how Will was when I first met him. His eyes were dark and he had a few scars on his face I guess that would be the biggest difference. He barely had any wrinkles on his face, suggesting he's quite young. It was a little trippy at first to see both of them in the room. I mean before I wasn't really paying attention to him I was too tired or in pain to care what he looked like but now it seemed I had all the time in yhe world to notice their similarities. 

"Get on with it dad." Will says venom and a little bit of fear rolling off his tongue.

"Very well, George was it?" He asked, I nod my head to scared to talk. "There is a few things you need to know before deciding to date my son here. And since he won't tell you I will tell you myself. I would like you to brace yourself when you hear this. I don't want irrational actions and unthought of outcomes to occur." He waited for my answer but I just bob my head up and down words not making themselves known. "Okay. We; William, Delilah, Charlie, Reggie, all of us are a thing you humans call vampires." He waited for my reaction. I wanted to believe this was a joke. That Will would laugh at my wide eyed expression. He didn't, and Will's dad doesn't seem like the type to joke around. My breathing quickened, all of them? I looked up at Will, he had a sincere look plastered on his face. Worried for what I wanted to say.

"Like... drinking blood vampires? Killing people vampires? That's what's been in the special drinks?" My heartbeat was racing. I felt a sense of danger in my world of safety.

"Yes, we drink blood, no we don't kill people. It's people willing to give their blood away to us." Will's dad explained. I tried to stay calm. I didn't want to make a big scene over something that might be a prank.

"You're saying people choose to be drinken from? Like bitten and have their blood splurt out?" I asked keeping a slight distance away from will and his father. I don't think I could run if I tried. My legs felt numb.

"Yes they do. The rooms that you were restricted from were feeding rooms, humans love being bitten as out fangs release a chemical that gets them all dizzyed up and they feel a sense of happiness so they don't feel much pain untill it wears off."

"Will you kill me?" I asked. Looking over at Will's hurt face.

"Never!" He yelled causing me to jump and double into myself afraid of him. It felt like our happy kissing was years ago now. "No one will hurt you, bite you, kill you or anything my darling I would never let them!" I could feel rage seeth out of his body. "No body Georgie, no ones going to hurt you." I calm down a little now that he's talking a little softer.

"No one?" I ask feeling a wet waterfall flood down my face. His face softens completely.

"No one, I won't let them. I will keep you safe." He begins to caress my face wiping away the tears. "You are safe, no ones hurt you yet have they?" I shook my head at that, I guess this is why people blocked their noses when I came back last night. "I'm gonna look after you okay? You'll be alright." I nod my head.

"You have a big decision now George, stay, knowing there are many vampires around you on the daily and you are the only human who isn't being fed off of, or leave and do whatever it is you humans do outside." He painted it like I was going to get hurt. I looked at William, a look of desperation on his face.

"I'll stay." I give a small smile, Will's dad looked surprised and Will looked relieved. He gave me a small kiss before giving me a hug. I hug back enjoying his embrace. Just because he's a vampire doesn't mean anything, he's still Will. He just drinks the very thing I am made out of. I just have to be careful not to get hurt enough to bleed.

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