7:little for the day pt2

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I woke up peacefully this time. I looked around and Will wasn't there. I stood up and walked around. I didn't feel like yelling out for him, I was still groggy from waking. I open door and shuffle my way to his office thinking he would be in there. He wasn't. I kept walking around the mansion in search of him. The first people I bumped into was Charlie and Delilah.

"Hey bud are you okay?" Charlie asks noticing my slight worry. I forgot I had a dummy clipped to my jumper and that I was unconsciously hugging a teddy to my chest.

"Is you little??" Delilah asked excitedly bouncing up and down. I got a little embarrassed and hid behind my teddy.

"Its okay if you're little Georgie, are you looking for William?" Charlie asked ruffling up my hair. I nod my head and saw that Delilah seemed really happy. "Okay let's go look for him together, there's no need to worry." Charlie started. Charlie was much taller than me, like 6'5 or something like that. I had to actually look up at him which made me feel even smaller.

"Is you really little?" Delilah asked, I didn't know how to answer so I shrugged my shoulders. I heard Charlie's phone ring and I heard Will's voice on the other end. He sounded worried or scared. I wonder why.

"Yeah I found him do you want me to take him back to your room?... yeah... he seems really little... he's okay.. yeah we're coming now." He had the convocation, I couldn't hear what will was saying but I assume he's back at the room. Charlie held his hand out for me to hold and I accepted. "Come on, Will's back at the room let's go." We began our adventure to the room and Delilah kept making convocation. I never answered but she seemed okay with me not answering, she just liked to talk and I was happy with that.

"Do you like being little Georgie?" She asks, I nod my head not really thinking about the question. We got back to the room and will was there, he picked me up hugging me.

"Why did you leave little guy?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Lost you." I pouted. I didn't want him to worry. He let out a sigh.

"Thise are the first words he's said and Delilahs been talking his ear off all the way here." Charlie mentioned putting his arm around Delilah.

"How far did he get? I didn't leave him for long, I just went to the bathroom. I didn't even hear the door open." William asked. I don't think I went far.

"Like at the stairs." Will's eyes widened a little.

"You walk fast little guy." It wasn't really that far. Just down the hallway and to the right. Or left. I don't know. And then you walk down another hallway. I guess it's a little fast. "Where were you trying to go?" He asked.

"Ummmmm. Find you." I say pointing at him he gave off a little chuckle.

"Thank you so much man. I mean it. If you weren't there who knows where he would have been." My stomach growled loudly telling everyone I was hungry. I Charlie and Will chuckled at it.

"Shhhhh tummy wait." I whisper to it. Collecting a plethora of awws from the others.

"You hungry little butler?" Will asked I gave a nod and a shy smile. "Well then let's go get some breakfast."

We sat at tge table waiting for Miss Chen to get us some food. I didn't have to order, Charlie ordered for him and Delilah who was sitting next to me and we were playing with our teddy's and will order for me and him. Will ordered his 'special v drink' and got me some cereal. I happily ate my food still playing with Delilah and watched as more people came down for breakfast. I got a bit self conscious and stopped playing with the teddies.

"Its okay bubba, they all know about age regression, Delilah is a well known person in here. You dont have to be scared." Will informed me but it didn't help. I tried to get the dummy clip off my jumper to give to Will but it wouldn't come off. I let out a frustrated groan and pout and looked at Will. He gave me a small smile and took the clip off putting it in his pocket, I continued eating listening to Delilah go on about what we could do at a play date. Charlie tried to calm her down but it didn't work.

"Hey loser." Tina came in out of nowhere, the loser she is referring to was Will. "Hey George, you not on work today?" She looked a little confused, I looked at Will. And he answered for me.

"No he's not. He's gonna hang out with Delilah, and what do you want?" He asked. Tina wasn't really around alot, only really whenever she wanted something or was delivering a message.

"Dad wants to talk to you today." She steals a sip of whatever it was Will was drinking. Giving him a slight glare.

"About?" Will asked motioning me to continue eating.

"A certain something about a certain someone and the business." I looked over and Will was glaring at her, he looked a bit scary. Delilah stopped taking to me noticing I wasn't paying attention she now talking to everyone else at the table and everyone listened.

"It can wait untill tomorrow, I'm busy today. I don't care."

"He doesn't want to wait untill tomorrow. He wants to talk to you today." She steals another sip.

"If it was urgent he would come himself. And I am busy. He can wait untill tomorrow." He she sighed and left the table. "Keep eating sweet heart don't worry about that."

"Busy?" I ask pushing my bowl away as I was full.

"Not busy. I just wanna spend time with you lovely." He starts to play with my hair and I give a big smile. "You done?" He asked noticing my bowl. I gave a nod and and pushed it towards him to show him. "Good job!" He praises me like I'm four. "Do you want a play date with Delilah?" I gave a big nod and a smile. "Can you use your words darling?" He asked. I pouted and gave a small sigh. "Yeah I wanna pay date." I sounded like a child. It felt nice being in a child state of mind again.

"Okay, let's go get you changed and ready for the day then. He gets up and takes my hand. I was getting excited for the play date.

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