60 The War

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Josh pov

It wasn't good here. I liked the letters. I didn't want them to worry. They didn't need to know so long as I didn't get hurt. There were more rouges as we thought, too many in fact. And they weren't weak as rouges usually are. I don't know what has happened to them, but they were just as strong, if not stronger than before.

I didn't lie in the beginning, I was truely ment to stay with the littles and move them to a safe place and keep it guarded as the strongest more experienced member of all the care givers in the pack, and I did. I kept the littles and the caregivers safe from the few rouges that got past but now there weren't many people left, We had a strong army but both sides were matched in strength and stamina, I was put on the front lines. I was rusty at first, having spent months relaxing with Will and George. They would be gutted if they found out my position changed. Will would blow a fuse and get mad at my father, who was only hanging on by a thread.

I offered Wills services, yet he only brought up that vampires are weak and would only get in the way all because they would die from one bite. But he wasn't there when we got George. I heard the horrors of Will I took him. They had never seen such a slaughter, as well as Reggie and a girl with blond hair, Delilah. Out of everyone fighting, Delilah was strong and obviously had experience in fighting. She didn't flinch when one was running at her. She didn't flinch when she was cornered. She was stronger than she seemed, behind that soft child like personality. She was a warrior, built and trained to fight. If I could convince father into getting the help of vampires, not only would we be stronger AND faster, we would win. He hasn't seen them. He wouldn't know.

"Father." I enter his office where he was frantic and devoid of sleep. It was obvious he was stressed and was backed into a corner. "Let me get wills army. They can help. They are low on people, their smart and quick on their feet, they aren't filed by anger, and they're reasonable. You've gotta let them help us. This is the last time I'm asking you." I demand. He was stubborn, but I now wasn't giving him the choice, I was going to contact Will this afternoon. We needed help. We needed backup.

"And what gives you the authority to do that." He boomed over his office desk.

"We need the help, dad. You're stuck in the corner, and you aren't sure what to do. I know the vampires can help. You didn't see their army when we were there. I don't even know how I got to Wills room. We lost many of our strongest there, proving they are good at what they do. I'm calling them in whether you want to or not. You always say use your assets and gain allies. Now that we have some, why not use them. They'll help. I know it."

"Then you do that." He gives in, a defeated sigh. "We're nearly out wolfed, and we are just avoiding the inevitable. If you truly believe the blood suckers can help, then you call them in." I was surprised. I have been begging him to let me call in wills men.

I immediately dismissed myself and started my letter. Asking, begging for him to send in his men his strongest, I told him the truth of it all, how bad it was, how we were struggling along with a meeting place so I could discuss our plans so far and give over information that I didn't feel safe in writing on a letter that could be easily stolen or damaged. I handed it off to the mailman and told him it was important and that he was to get it to the alliance covan in a timely manner safely. He did as he was told. Hurrying off down the road towards the covan.

"We're that desperate?" I heard a voice from behind me. My older brother, the one next in line for the place of alpha in our father, managed to die. A snob who hated anything other than his own pack. He wasn't very welcoming or humble but I must say he did make a great alpha in training, he helped dad trough all the rough spots of this war and that's proof alone that he would make a great alpha. He's been a war tactic genius his entire life. Growing up, he would talk about them, hoping that they happened just so he could make the plans for it, much to my mother's dismay and anger. He would get a slap on the back of the head and a lecture in jinxing the pack, but that never stopped him. He's much less nieve now yet still has tactic after tactic, back up after back up. He was built for war, whereas I was built for peace.

"They will help, and you'll notice how level-headed they can be. It'll help with your plans. The only reason they fail is a wolfs rage. I've seen their army face to face. We'll behave, don't get angry about it, we don't have as many wolves as we did before sim calling them in. We need them." He gave a disgusted look.

"They'll slow us down." He crossed his arms in a natural army general way. A built burly body ready to pummel anyone in his way. he was built like an alpha, one who can actually lead, look after the pack, and make difficult decisions. But he was just as hard-headed as the rest.

"You don't know them like I do." I say, turning my back to him. Ready to go look after the littles in our pack.

"How can you really know them when you're head over heels for some dick that you can't even concentrate on your own kind. That vampire and human of yours isn't going to help in any way. Shape or form. That human has made you weaker than I thought Joshua. How are you to ever be the alpha of this pack." He hummed. I didn't move. My head was down, and I was listening to his words attempting to calm my anger. I'm not pup. I can keep it in check.

However, he wasn't wrong. My father would always compare us. Tell me how great he was and how he would make a perfect alpha. I was stupid and took jelousy, and we would fight all the time. He would come out the winner, and I would face the shame of losing. He knew he was better at everything. But I knew I had a life outside the pack. I took a few deep breaths, remembering how no one would want to go near him. Remembering that the one time I listened to dad, I nearly ruined the life of the two that I loved. Being the best at fighting doesn't make it that you're better than anyone else. I tried remembering all of that, but the anger built, over the years, the torment and shade he would throw my way. It would piss me off. He would piss me off.

"Victor, you should watch your mouth." I say through gritted teeth. No matter how many times I lose to him, I keep trying every time, and I would leave head down in shame.

"Or what? You'll throw a few measly punches at me? We both know I'm stronger. I'm faster, I'm just better than you in every way. You can't help that little brother. Keep it up. I'm sure you'll get to my level one day.

"If you're so much better, how come you can't even get a partner? I know how much you've always wanted one howcome you don't have one if you're just the best; mean I have two. And one of them is my little. Do you have someone who loves and cherishes you? Didn't think so." I could see he wanted to punch the absolutely shit out of me. It was a touchy subject. Since my brother is insane no one wants to date him even for his position. That's why i was closer to being the next alpha. I had the ability to get a luna. Well, now not so much, a vampire and a human. I would be exiled and removed from the great alphas house hold for this, but he knows he hates it, but he knows.

"Shut up. When I become Alpha-"

"What are you going to do when you become alpha Victor?" My father appeared crossing his arms. "At this point, I should just pick someone from the pack because my boys can't KEEP IT TOGETHER." He yelled, causing us to flinch and lower our heads in shame. "One of my boys is a war veteran who will go to war with anyone who breathes wrong, and the others always hang out with vampires and humans all day!" He rants on. We are just forced to listen. "Tell me what to do! Tell me where I went wrong on parenting you two." I sigh. I felt bad for him. He had to raise two boys and a pack on his own since our mother was a dead beat who left when I was five. Because she "couldn't handle" being a luna. We've gone so long without a luna. Victor has a chance. If he wasn't such a skitzo psycho when war is involved.

"Teach him to be an alpha." I say as a solution. Victor looks at me shocked. "I don't want to be alpha he does. Beat the war out of his head and make him a good alpha. After this war. Right now, we need his tactics, and I have a couple of fearless vampires who play just as dirty at the rouges." I comment before leaving them to talk. I knew Victor could be a better Alpha than I could. I'm too concerned with George and Will that I wouldn't have time for the pack, qnr seeing how much Will works and he isn't even the covan leader I don't think I want to do that to both of them. They don't want to be here around wolves that hate them. They hate George because of screaming all the time and hurting their ears, and well, Will is a vampire. There wasn't much help there. But yknow what? I love them. So much, any I plan to stay with them forever. We need to find a way to get Geirge to live longer. We're wolves live twice the time a human does, and vampires live forever. We need to have a talk after all this.

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